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RE: Proud owner of my first car, aged 42 πŸš—

in #backseatdriver β€’ 4 years ago

When I come to Spain, let me know when you are on the road so I can get off it. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

That driving instructor sounds like he needed reporting... gross! Glad you got wheels now, though I think it's super cool you didn't drive all that time. I met tons of people in UK who didn't get licence til late.. unheard of in Oz with the big distances and shit public transport.

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Ha! You let me know when you are on the road, I'll do some burpees in boxers with thumb out for a riiiiide.

Umm, anyways yes, a car felt pointless to me for many years due to the decent transport network. I think I saved some trees :)