Been there, done that and got the t-shirt as well. As much as I distrust the cloud still it is there for a reason - nobody wants to bothered having a separate hard drive with duplicates of their stuff on it - why have it twice? Of course we know it's because loosing data isn't an if it's a when - this is an extreme situation but I have had hard drives go randomly - hell a PSU can go pop and take out the entire pc - motherboard, ram and hard drive - it's scary when you think about it...but until it happens everyone lives in that happy place that their computer is bullet proof and will last for ever.
Great post, and the pictures gave me the biggest chuckle ever!
If someone had done a video of me opening that car door today, the video would have gone Viral, I'm sure of it! Tomorrow will see events unfold... but my heart goes out to the guy doing a simple job of delivering a PC to me, only to have left it outside, and kids decided to play football with it... Sometimes you cannot make this stuff up!