Why So Many Ties Between CPS, Foster Care And Sex Trafficking? Backyard Brawl Is The First Step To Stopping The Evil.

in #backyardbrawl7 years ago (edited)

This article will be examining several issues, and pointing out the likelihood that there may be ties between them. In the first part, we are examining the startling ties that exist between CPS, foster care and child sex trafficking. Based on the alarming numbers that are well documented, it is surprising that the system has not been scrapped completely to stop the kidnapping of children from their parents, given how many are then subsequently placed with pedophiles, hooked on drugs and worse, disappear never to be heard from again.

Years ago when the scandals began plaguing the Arizona CPS, Governor Brewer stepped forward and abolished Child Protection Services (2014). It had come to light that 6500 cases of abuse within the CPS umbrella had been swept under the carpet.


Unfortunately, despite the reshuffling of the system to a new agency to oversee at risk children, nothing was done to weed out the pedophiles, nor the money that the agency receives for tearing children from their homes. It needs to be made clear, this issue with CPS abuse and pedophiles having access to these kids is in no way solely an issue taking place in Tucson. It is a national problem as you can see here.


In the above article outlining the money involved, it highlights how these children are abused medically due to the high profits involved for the state and the agency. Citing one example of a mom whose child was kidnapped from her being forced to pay 7000.00 a week for her son to undergo electro shock treatments. Her son now a man, she still has years left to pay for these "treatments" despite not even knowing where they took place at.

There appears to be some serious resistance to the truth coming out on this, as so many who try to use their power to stop it end up defamed (such as we see with Veterans on Patrol in Tucson) or worse dead, as we saw with American hero Nancy Schaefer.

A filmmaker (Bill Bowen) who was documenting these abuses for a movie died before he could finish, However the completed segments have been placed onto YouTube. You can read more about this brave man with links to his videos here:


There is an epidemic of our children being lost while in the foster care system. Based on how they cover it up, I question how many are never heard of again. Swallowed up into the sick world of pedophiles and trafficking.

According to this recent piece by the WP, more than 60,000 children in foster care are missing since 2000, with another 53000 children being designated runaways.


Where are these children going?

In Arizona, the pedophiles have had their way with these children in unimaginable ways. One man in particular, with a history of pedophilia was somehow approved to be a foster parent and ran a pedophile ring. The following article shows how some of these pedophiles are getting a free pass if their crimes occurred while serving in combat, specifically in Afghanistan.


From 2015, Arizona CPS and doctors accused of Child Trafficking and Racketeering.


Human trafficking statistics.


I hope I have your attention now. I could have cited hundreds of more articles and barely touched the surface.

This is a major problem that can't be ignored.

When the average person thinks of human trafficking, they tend to think of it happening in other places. Third world countries. The idea that it is happening in our own BACKYARD, with heavy ties to government agencies many would think ludicrous, the stuff of conspiracy theory. How much proof do YOU need to see what is going on here? How many more links, how many more stories, HOW MANY MORE KIDS?

We tend to think if there are kids involved at the border, they are all coming this way from Mexico. Never that our missing kids are going south of the border to be exploited. I believe that the evidence found at the sex trafficking camp on the Cemex property by VOP shows this is happening. I believe that some of these kids being kidnapped from their parents never to be seen again once thrust into foster care are being dragged across that border never to be seen again. The ones who are not being murdered that is.

113,000 Kids Since 2000 Missing From Foster Care.

Keep in mind, this does not include the known stats on kids who didn't disappear that were raped, drugged, beaten etc. These kids just disappeared. Imagine this was your child, your brother or sisters child. Your best friend's child. Maybe not today or tomorrow, but with the authority many believe they have, it could be any of your children at any time. At any time.

VOP Taking The First Steps To Shut The Traffic At The Border Down.

If you stop and think how much the media and many "truther" groups have went after VOP it should astound you that they pay so much attention to what they cry out loudly is a hoax. Yet, anyone who does what the VOP leader Arthur Lewis has asked, and looked at all the video evidence can come to no other conclusion that trafficking is taking place. I posted it in my last post on VOP, and will include it again as it is so powerful. It is coverage by ABC news showing this same area being used by traffickers from 2013.

Once again I will ask you, how much proof do YOU need to see what is going on here? How many more links, how many more stories, HOW MANY MORE KIDS?

Please keep the word out on what these heroes in Tucson are doing to shut down the trafficking corridors. In the two months they have been at work doing Gods work, I wonder how many kids they have stopped being transported in BOTH directions at that border. Here is some of their latest videos updating on what they are doing and have accomplished, as well as a plea to support the homeless shelter they have been running for three years from being shut down as the corrupt city of Tucson has been threatening in retaliation for their stopping this trafficking.

We are the people. We have the duty and right to stop this in our backyards. VOP is showing how this must be handled. No more division over ideologies, over race, over religion. That is the method they use to keep us all stirred up against one another while they take our kids and further enslave us. It is time to start talking more on what we agree on than spending all of our time on what we disagree on. I think we can all agree keeping our families intact, our children safe is that common ground.

If you want to make a difference, you can start by learning more of this atrocity taking place with government sanction. Spread your knowledge to those open to listening. Support the @familyprotection group here at Steemit through your upvotes and community involvement. Everyday this community is educating and in some cases helping support those in our community here who find themselves under the attack of the CPS.

Thank-you @practicalthought for submitting this post with the #familyprotection tag. It has been UPVOTED by @familyprotection and RESTEEMED TO OUR Community Supporters.

"Child Protection Agencies" are taking children away from their loving families.

(If you feel that our community has brought more rewards and attention to this post, please consider contributing a portion of those rewards back to our cause.)

My friend, this is the best article you ever wrote. (in my humble opinion)

Thank you my friend.

Credit where credit is due bro, it was one awesome post.

This is very troubling and sick. Me too takes off, but for some reason this issue is always back burner.

This solidifies a long held belief. Our legislator and CPS and states are complicit and seditious in trafficking of children.

Good read, resteemed

This solidifies a long held belief. Our legislator and CPS and states are complicit and seditious in trafficking of children.

I have come to believe this myself. The way they always act inept when it doesn't involve boring down on honest citizens, to outright attacking those who try to prevent this as we see taking place in Tucson. I am seeing way to many connections between those in power and this sick trafficking. I mean, how is it that an agency that is supposed to be designed to help kids actually places kids in more danger? The scary part is once you really start looking there is no way you can not see what is going on here.

Good read, resteemed

Thank you

I mean, how is it that an agency that is supposed to be designed to help kids actually places kids in more danger?

Agency wasn't designed for this. Its designed to disrupt families. So family that has child removed, pays the notes to support children in foster homes/ adoptions. The state in turn gets grants from federal government.

Selling children is an added bonus. Sick. Sick. Sick

incredible friend, an excellent post where he says the whole truth, they are complicit and they are capable of anything to enrich themselves

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