More on VOP & Craig "Strawman" Sawyer Exposed

in #backyardbrawl6 years ago

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Lewis is back sentenced to 100 hours of community service for trespassing. He has been invited by a non-profit organization to help patrol the SW Arizona desert so it appears he can do his service while keeping up his fight against human trafficking. I have to say, if this guy is a fraud as many in the "truth movement" say, he's doing one hell of a job... he's either the smartest (or dumbest- he doesn't take monetary donations) con man alive, or crazy as a shithouse rat to persist in this battle against human trafficking. My spidey sense tells me he's one dedicated individual. Which brings me to the other part of the post...

I wonder why this non-profit didn't ask Craig Sawyer to help in the battle- maybe they weren't offering enough money... or maybe Craig Sawyer only pretends to help fight child sex trafficking.

I've made no secret about what I think about Sawyer. At first I thought he was only scamming the truthers for their money and I'm not implying that money isn't a big part of it, but now it looks like he's a part of something far more nefarious- a psy-op that covers up for child sex trafficking in America... and it looks like I'm not alone. I've written before about Sawyer's involvement in providing security for high-level scumbags such as Hillary Clinton, John McCain and Donald Rumsfeld- that was probably his ticket to the big time.

Before exposing Sawyer, let's make a comparison... an honesty test so to speak. I'm going to post links to two websites- VOP and Veterans for Child Rescue. You be the judge- one asks for volunteers and materials to keep up the fight and the other asks for money...
You tell me who's running the scam? Moreover, Sawyer's documentary "Contraland" that he solicited donations for was recently bought by Netflix. Is Mr. Sawyer going to return the donations... if not this sounds a lot like wire fraud. Also why won't he release the tax returns for his organization? Recent estimates put his net worth at around $20 million. Rescuing children must pay really well. Here's something else- any time anyone asked on Twitter what the money was used for, Sawyer immediately blocked them.

A recent article published anonymously in American Digital News may provide a solution. They put the Tucson sex trafficking camp found by Lewis & company in a timeline, along with the involvement of Sawyer. First, naturally, the camp was found. Lewis informs Sawyer, something the article characterizes thus: "Lewis found the camp and called Craig. What Lewis didn’t realize is, he called a wolf." The very next day, Sawyer does a 180 and repudiates everything he said calling Lewis and VOP a fraud. A day after that the site is bulldozed destroying all evidence.

"These are the tactics of a coverup."

"A clean cover up is when things go unnoticed, no one ever speaks of it or sees it."

"A situation like this that has law enforcement at the scene, Non Government groups and the news, warrants a large cover up. Using the media as a tool."

"Craig goes on the news and confirms it. He uses teams of folks online to start using words like conspiracy theorist to downplay the truth community that knows the links between Cemex property and know the Rothschilds. Which have a strong presence in Tucson, Arizona."

"Immediately after the events now labeled as 'Tucson Gate.'"

Then Craig goes to the Philippines... not to rescue children as he claims in a tweet, but to meet with executives of Cemex, the owners of the Tucson site where the camp was found.

"According to the insider in Southeast Asia, Sawyer met with a group of Billionaires in the Philippines. Interesting place to meet. One of those men was Steve Kuansheng Wu, Treasurer for Cemex."

"Why would Craig go to the Philippines where Cemex holdings company is headquartered, right after the events in Tucson? Coincidence?"

"Why did he meet with Cemex executives after a sex camp was found on their property? Are these his handlers?"
"Sawyer got a substantial raise of funds given to him directly and his organization, Veterans for child rescue. It’s interesting why Craig won’t publicly disclose his 2017 taxes for his non profit."

"How much did Craig Sawyer and his organization make during the “Tucson Gate” Scandal?"

"I know who Craig Sawyer really is."

"Craig Sawyer is a Deep State Agent planted to protect elite operations. He worked for Hillary, McCain and others. He worked his way up the ladder within their hierarchy."

"He happens to live in Tucson where he is stationed to Protect the Rothschilds and their operations."

" One of Mr. Sawyer’s VIPR members wanted to be a Navy Seal and never was, but a favor asked from this VIPR members father who is the head of DNC in Main. This young VIPR member got to work as a security contractor."

"Craig works for these elites and benefits from the connections. He is invited to Hollywood elite parties, works on some movies and even acted in a few… He then receives millions of dollars while working as a contractor for the CIA? They don’t make that kind of salary, not legally that is."

"Craig Sorry has a 20 million dollar net worth."

"Craig Sawyer is not who he says he is, he is not a defender of the defenseless, but actually a defender of the elites. Bought and paid for by Soros."

This source claims to have much more information that will be forthcoming. "This is the tip of the iceberg. Our team has more images and evidence to share and will release over the next several months. The noose is tightening on Mr. Craig Strawman Sawyer."

There is also the legitimacy of the so-called VIPR team that seems to be running illegal CIA black ops inside the United States.
According to Timothy Charles Holmseth: “Craig Sawyer (v4cr) boasts he is running ‘covert tier one’ operations in U.S. with ‘VIPR’ teams. Illegal. Secret police. Mafia. Cia. Worked for Hillary and McCain.” A "tier one" operation is one done on behalf of CIA, NSA, or other government agency by former military personnel run out of JSOC (Joint Special Operations Command) at Ft. Bragg. The people involved are basically mercenaries. Moreover: “Law enforcement in U.S. does not need or use CIA operatives for pedophile stings. Sawyer emerged immediately after Trump EO targeting global cabal – crimes against humanity. Fixer. Enforcer.”

Craig Sawyer, unlike Lewis Arthur is no white hat... this guy stinks to high heaven! He has Deep State written all over him. I'm going to keep digging until he is taken down. I still support Lewis & VOP 100%- what they're trying to do is honest and noble... in the words of Pontius Pilate: "I can find no fault in this man."





What I've heard of Lewis has been favorable. I trust your judgement on Craig, I go back and say it's all war of Good and Evil. Thanks for spreading the truth @richq11

Thank you my friend!

I understand the hysteria of not trusting anyone in this evil world, but this article is 85% speculation, 15% spin, and 100% not backed up by any evidence.

Just because Michael won't stop running around trespassing and breaking the law doesn't make him a hero or a role model, he is a provocateur and a criminal, fact. Also, its a fact is that he takes $girft card$ and equipment donations, its documented and on camera, he shows you himself. The property he stays on is also paid for by a local businessman, so please dont misconstrue the obvious here.

The whole premise of the Tucson story is innaccurate, no human was found there and certainly no guns and ammo. We all saw the place, and I'm sure both these guys were excited about the prospect of finding something like this, but the fact is, Michael lied right off the bat and said there were kids being held there, this whole story started off with lies. I talked to Craig the next morning and he told me he thought Meyer was on drugs the night before, and this possibly could be a trafficking stop off sight, he was never 100% and wanted to make sure it was investigated, which his was. Imagine if he didnt go down there that night and it ended up being filled with kids underground? This seems like a set up to discredit Craig. Why are detractors trying to stop his good work, his non profit services, documentating arrests, and doing investigations based on fact and actual, well, real people in danger...?

"Sawyer met with a group of Billionaires in the Philippines. Interesting place to meet. One of those men was Steve Kuansheng Wu, Treasurer for Cemex."

Prove it, there is no proof of this meeting EVER have taken place and is only mentioned in one spot, on Fiona Barnett's web page under danieljohnleecom. Daniel John Lee is on wordpress, and is a a scifi and suspense writer looking for followers...


"Craig won’t publicly disclose his 2017 taxes for his non profit."

He doesn't have to disclose, non profit tax information is available for free to the public.

"He then receives millions of dollars while working as a contractor for the CIA? They don’t make that kind of salary, not legally that is."

Again you show no proof to back up your claims, do you have gov. contracts or any info on his income? It's law enforcement that are doing arrest, not Sawyer, he is helping set up community action programs and documenting the arrests in many of the communities that have a problem with sex trafficking of minors, he is not being paid by government, his non profit is huge, maybe do some research and actually source your work next time.

Where's the proof that Lewis was high... "Craig says". I get the feeling he's been spreading some money around. I know how JSOC works from experience and he fits the bill.