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RE: Round Six Bad Karaoke- Round Ends June 6th - Midnight EST

in #badkaraoke7 years ago (edited)

Thanks! Truth is, I can actually sing this song okay, but I was recording it at like 3am in my apartment and was not really singing, so much as whispering to a mic, which ain't easy to do and make it sound like singing. :)


hehehehe well i'm looking forward to the next entry then! from a decent time!!! (mine was similar - at 7 am LOL) i'm trying to find some fun video to put with mine cuz i'm anonymous on steemit (borrrrring) LOL
my joke about putting your song on my page had nothing to do with your singing ability - and all about the choice of your title ;) (my story is called Fireflies lol)

p.s. do you know where i can find video to put on my song?!??!?! LOL nothing fancy- just something nice to look at while the song plays (oh - and free!)

video not so much, i either make my own or use animated gifs and stuff. the fireflies in my shot are just an animated gif on my green screen

agh. the downsides of being anonymous. LOL and i dont want to use my stuffed animals again hehehehe although the owl was a big hit LOL

Guess you must be somebody famous.

I'm so super famous!!!! please don't tell anyone though. cuz - you know. i value my privacy. The 30 foot hedges only keep out so many.

if only I could find my Clark Kent glasses!!!! then no one would know I'm Superman!

But i broke them when I was hanging with Bruce in his lair. eh. it is life. meanwhile.... i'm looking for a new stuffed animal to feature in my badkaraoke video. ;)

I don't get the whole "Im gonna be anonymous on the internet" thing.

The NSA already knows who you are, and unless you are like, some mega superstar, nobody else on the internet really cares much who anybody on the internet actually is.

I see these things, 10 billion passwords stolen! OMG Geez, and I don't even break a sweat. Cause in that 10 billion passwords ,are far more interesting people to rob that the average joe blow like me.

I mean, omg, I saw Cork on the internet! I know who he isssssss!

Yeah, and? It won't get you a free cup of coffee.

But I has important job, cork!

Um, yeah. again, so?

I live out loud. I built a life I don't have to hide from. If I want to smoke pot on my radio stream, fuck em.

It's outside my paradigm to need to hide from anybody. I just don't get it.

well... lol I won't tell you the whole saga - because I doubt very much that it will interest you LOL but rest assured - there are plenty of other reasons to be anonymous besides 1. being super famous 2. hiding from the NSA and 3. stolen passwords hehehehe

the general public wouldn't give much thought to who I am. But i'm not anonymous for their sake. I'm anonymous for mine. I also don't hide from my life, but you should consider yourself very fortunate that you can live freely :) It's a gift and a blessing and there are many others who don't have that privilege. I hope some day I can enjoy that too!