Learn how the system works. The whole point of the flag is to allow users to determine how rewards are allocated.
Also, he only earns because the same bots vote on him repeatedly, something he used to bitch and complain about himself. Hypocrisy at its finest!!
Ahhh I see, so you wouldn't have a problem with me bringing in a couple thousand new members then specifically to downvote all your posts? I mean as long as they do so with the understanding they must maintain some level of activity to be "users" right?
Before telling me to leran how the system works, why do you go out and study a system that actually works correctly without this level of abuse? Maybe start somewhere like stackexchange, where everything is done by privilege so no one can bot join and bot vote for or against posts.
Seems to me, you are just blatently admitting its a personal vendetta and that is a key factor in defining if something is censorship, or done for the community.
Do as you wish.
It's not my problem he draws attention to his posts where people like me notice they're not really getting any views and it's just bot votes.@cooperativeads
Welcome to Steemit, good luck to you!
The KKK endorsed Donald Trump. He denounced them. Spicer told a reporter who asked him why Trump doesn't denounce every moron who endorses him. Spicer said that would be utterly stupid, and counterproductive. Maybe this person you flag should denounce these bots, so you will have less to worry about? And if after he denounces them and they continue, well, at least he did what he could on his end.
Will that help?