Hahahahaha.... Brilliant! I love your comment! 😆
I am sitting here in my local cafe on Bali as the sun is sliding into the horizon, listening to amazing music and laughing my a*s off at your comment! Top marks my friend!
I am in an even worse position to capture UFOs on camera as I don't carry devices on me. I am worried that the Aliens will track me and beam me up before I have finished expressing the truths I want to get off my chest on Steemit!
Bless your cotton socks! UPvoted and followed with absolute pleasure!
Who makes the party laugh? You do my friend! Booooooom! Did I say UPvoted? I meant UPbeamd!!! x
Edit: [I want to add a very funny photo to this comment but the internet here is poor... I will do it when I get home!] 😮
I'm in Singapore sometimes and have lived in this part of the world since I was young. Lets go for a beer... the drinks are on me as I know I will LMFAO! =)
Haha no worries!
But it's true right?!
There's so many new "evidence" of UFOs on the internet today and the quality is worse than the half-ass bullshit I take with my phone.