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RE: H O M E - Trips In A Timemachine! Favourite Songs

in #baliohbali7 years ago

definitely a lot of memories miss @mammasitta is too beautiful in that house. I'm sure you still hope to be back in those days. But believe me god has planned something very beautiful for you and your family. You are a warm person who is loved by your family even wherever you are. Walk your life with happiness and joy even if you are in a new home or new environment. Make your life an encouragement for your children. They and your family always expect and pray that you are always happy.

Sort: Aku pernah memposting tentang jeruk Bali yang tumbuh di tempatku di Aceh dan aku mengirimkan memo di walletmu supaya engkau terhibur. Tetapi @mammasitta terlalu sibuk dan tidak memperhatikannya. Postingan itu terinspirasi setelah aku mengenal @mammasitta di @steemit. Aku sangat senang bisa berteman denganmu disini.