Fishing Trawler Sinks in Baltic Sea Amid Navy Exercises: Possible Military Connection

in #baltic7 months ago

A fishing trawler sank in the Baltic Sea. It may be related to the Navy exercises

The trawler "Captain Lobanov" exploded in the Baltic Sea in the 10-mile zone, near the coast of the Kaliningrad region. The ship gave a distress signal around 11 a.m., reports ( the law enforcement-affiliated Baza channel.
There were seven crew members on board the trawler, with four injured. At least one person was killed, Baza sources said. The reasons for the explosion are unknown.

RBC with reference to the head of the press service of the government of Kaliningrad region Dmitry Lyskov claims ( that there was a fire on the trawler and it is being towed to the port. The Kaliningrad region will allocate 1 million rubles to the family of the victim of the fire on the trawler "Captain Lobanov" and 500 thousand rubles each to the injured, the authorities said (

As Dozhd managed to find out on the basis of open data from the automated tracking system AIS, the "Captain Lobanov" could have gotten into the zone of exercises of the Baltic Fleet of the Russian Navy. This is evidenced ( by an official warning about the exercise zone - it is also taking place off the coast of the Kaliningrad region. The last report on the course of the exercises came ( the night before: the crew of the corvette Boikiy reported hitting training targets.

In October 2023, the journalistic center "Dosie" released ( an investigation according to which the Russian Navy may use fishing trawlers for military purposes.

Photo: AIS, Rain

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Fishing Trawler Sinks in Baltic Sea Amid Navy Exercises: Possible Military Connection

Baltic Sea, fishing trawler, sinking, Navy exercises, explosion, casualties, Kaliningrad region, investigation

A fishing trawler, suspected to be the "Captain Lobanov," sank in the Baltic Sea, raising concerns of a potential link to ongoing Navy exercises. The vessel reportedly exploded within a 10-mile zone near the Kaliningrad region coast, prompting a distress signal. According to sources from the law enforcement-affiliated Baza channel, the incident resulted in casualties, with one confirmed fatality and four injuries among the seven crew members onboard. The exact cause of the explosion remains unknown.

RBC, citing Dmitry Lyskov, head of the press service of the government of Kaliningrad region, stated that a fire broke out on the trawler, necessitating its tow to port. Authorities have announced financial assistance for the victim's family and the injured crew members. As per information obtained by Dozhd through the AIS tracking system, the "Captain Lobanov" may have entered the Baltic Fleet's exercise zone, coinciding with official warnings and ongoing exercises in the region. Recent reports indicate the corvette Boikiy's involvement in training activities nearby.

In light of an investigation by the journalistic center "Dosie," released in October 2023, suggesting the potential military utilization of fishing trawlers by the Russian Navy, concerns surrounding the sinking take on added significance.

The sinking of the fishing trawler "Captain Lobanov" in the Baltic Sea raises suspicions of its connection to ongoing Navy exercises. With casualties reported and investigations underway, questions linger regarding the vessel's involvement in military activities, especially in light of past allegations of such practices by the Russian Navy.

Links and Sources:

ThinkCentre: "В Балтийском море затонул росс…" - Mastodon on ZHub

A fishing trawler sank in the Baltic Sea. It may be related to the Navy exercises -

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