I absolutely agree bamboo is phenomenal and definitely never tried to cut a branch or a piece of bamboo with a really nice knife.
Yep my super expensive one of a kind knife has a dent to the blade trying to cut bamboo the wrong way.
By the way you can also just use one of the sections and poke a hole in the top section insert underneath the water and allow the water to fill it up and place it directly onto the fire as the bamboo will not burn with the water inside. You can actually then boil the water and purify it for drinking.
So not only can you cook food you can also clean your water and build a shelter with it.
Bamboo is actually phenomenal. Thank you very much for your post.
Holy shot~~~ purify water with bamboo? That is one heck of a genius know-how. Thats wisdom bro. Thanks~ As for the branches of the bamboo, I thoughy its cutting them off but its not what we think it is.... its actually knocking them off with a rounded edge metal machete on one edge and a sharp edge on the other side to cut the whole bark if needed. and best part is...... its not labor intensive as like cutting a whole tree. :) I appreciate your comment~
Thank you for your post.