disregarding the Universal Hint inherent in your handle, and simply following your stated task list, especially step 1 coz I fancied a crushed banana-soya shake (minus the anger vibes of course). However, when I arrived at the shop with the intention of buying a banana, I remembered step two and froze in confused panic. No banana, but I came away with a split lip and no video either coz the irate grocer smashed my STUPID phone. He said he had had enough of folk either wanting to buy all his bananas, or else not wanting to buy any at all - he said that as a result he was very highly strung and just longed for the good old days when things were normal. What to do eh? I let him off. So umm, it seems as if your task list is flawed too, as it does not contain two crucial steps namely (1) provision for banana soya-shake urge (2) instructions on how to avoid consequences of the traumatising effect of the disruption in banana supplies on the global shopkeeper population. Personally speaking, I like to take responsibility for my life and don't want to blame people for misleading or misdirecting me, for getting me to participate in their wars and battles, for drenching me with propaganda and generally attempting to turn me into a zombie. Yeah, perhaps, after all, I'm the stupid one, bargingtake over the world!Hey @stupid (nice to say this without feeling as if I'm insulting you lol), I started off by into situations without first thinking them through. #fuckingbananas, wanting to
And what about Plantains? I don't hear anyone mention them....seriously W T F?
And my soya-shake :(
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