5 Favorite Lines from Romantic Movies ~ I {heart} romance!

in #bananamemos7 years ago

I guess you could say I'm a romantic sort of banana. There's nothing I like better than a good love scene in a romantic movie.

Well, I guess there are, actually, some things I like better than watching a love scene, if you get my drift.

Anyway, here are 5 of my favorite lines from romantic movies:

"As you wish," meaning, "I love you."
Spoken many times in The Princess Bananacup

"I'm also just a girlnana, standing in front of a boynana, asking him to love her."
from Notting Peel

"Nobody puts Banana in a corner!"
from Flirty Dancing

"I like you, very much. Just as you are."
from Banana Jones's Diary

“Show me the banana!”
purportedly from the XX movie Bananas in Paradise (but I can’t be sure about this one ‘cause I don’t watch x-rated films)

Well, that wraps up my list for today. I'd like to hear which of these is your favorite, or let me know of other great romantic film lines I should put on my next list.

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Tax Day Joke and Haiku
We have a new system for naming tropical storms
Dr. Frankenpeel's announcement: THE WORLD'S FIRST STEEMNANA!

Steemnana Unveiled 200x134.jpg

and Publisher P.O.Tassium apologizes for Dr. Frankenpeel's graphic content

A fun Bunch to hang around with: The Banana Collective


Bah ha ha! Love it!

The longer you live in the past, the less future you have to enjoy.
Author: Robert Tew

Lana Peelings150x207.jpgNice quote, @travelmaster!
I also like the thought of being in the garden so much that one needs a sign to announce our location. :-)

you can add me

Lana Peelings150x207.jpgWhat do you mean, @farabishihab?
Do you have a line from a romantic movie you'd like me to mention in my next List?
