Is it really paranoia if they are out to get you?

My dear Ms. Emerge -- finally a human bean who understands the plight of the Banana Collective! Thank you for your strategic posting on this web thing we're on.
Is it really paranoia if they are out to get you?
Truther Red Peel, I plan on increasing my vigilance as I plan to step up my activity to combat the injustices that Bananas are suffering at the hands of the evil apple empire.
Professor Barrington, Phd, I will continue to strategically post about the conspiracy by the apples to discredit Bananas and deny them their rightful place on tne top of the fruit basket!
Posted using Partiko Android
You are a true Banana Friend!

Here's a snack:
Thank you. I used it to make a Banana Lasagna for the Banana Program.
Posted using Partiko Android
Yeah, we saw that. Weird way to enjoy bananas, @emergehealthier, but we gotta give it to you for creativity! :-)