🍌 This just in: WORLD'S FAVORITE FRUIT 🍌

in #bananamemos7 years ago (edited)

This just in.

A new study conducted last month reveals that 86 percent of respondents in 91 percent of polls conducted in 63 percent of the world’s countries indicate that their #1 favorite fruit is…

Drumroll please...


single banana 400x272.jpg

I, for one, am not at all surprised, Tassium. I mean, what other fruit is as luscious and sweet as what the Spanish call el plátano?

Oh, hang on a minute. I didn't notice this before. Those were SIMIAN respondents. My bad. I’ll have to do a little more research on results in human polls and get back to you.

Until then, this is Tassium. Over and out.

We invite your adoration, comments, re-steems and upvotes.


line of palm trees.png

Banana Lovers Day ~ It's not exactly what you think

a new game
We're monkeyin' around with

the Caffeine Conspiracy
Truther Red Peel on


Alright, now this is original. Nice work. 100%

What is your budget for bananas per month?

Thank you. And yes, the Banana Budget is pretty steep. There are bananas in all stages of ripeness at all times, in case a new character needs to come alive. :-)

At our preschool, we have been doing (eating) the Rainbow of Colours with Fruits and Veggies this month and last week's colour was Yellow. Guess what? All 23 children in our centre love the Banana. It is their favourite among all the fruits - all colours combined.

post? It's of a little boy given a banana as an April Fool's joke, but it backfired because he wasn't upset at all; he LOVES bananas!Did you see the video posted on @emergehealthier's Banana Lovers Day

Can't say that we're surprised, @evlachsblog. What other favorite fruit could there possibly be? :-D