What is Going on in Bangladesh?

in #bangladesh7 years ago (edited)

A little more than 10 years ago, I spent 6 months living in Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh. A large crowded city of almost 9 million people and the 4th most densley populated city in the world https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dhaka. But the city was full of caring and gracious people, many of whom barely made enough money to provide a living for their families.

Dhaka - Photo: Darshan Chakma

I was fortunate to travel around the country on several occasions - it truly is a beautiful place. The recent news of an additional 400 thousand more Rohingya's fleeing into Bangladesh (http://www.unhcr.org/en-us/news/latest/2017/9/59c5151f4.html) from neighboring Myanmar (formerly Burma), flooding into already cramped tents cities where other Rohingya's have fled over the last few decades have left me thinking about all those families having to go through this ordeal. Much of the world can't understand the plight of people in these situations. I always say that I'm blessed to live in the U.S. and it is circumstances like this where that blessing becomes more apparent to me.

Rohingya refugees navigate their way around the Kutupalong extension site where shelters have been erected on land allocated by the Bangladesh Government. © UNHCR/Keane Shum

I'm really not here to get into the politics of why the Rohingya's, a majority Muslim ethnic group, are being forced out of by the majority Buddhist ethnic groups. I'm more interested in raising the awareness for the people, in Bangladesh and those remaining in Myanmar - as well as the good people in Bangladesh. Say what you will about the U.N., without them providing support to refugees the suffering would be much worse.

Thoughts and prayers are with you.