Hello @neoxian. I came by to thank you for your recent upvotes for some of my posts. I appreciate this so much more than you can imagine. I'm not in any position to borrow money, but I did write my last post about my current situation. If you have a chance to look at it and have any thoughts at all about it, I would be so grateful to hear them.
Thank you again and I hope you don't mind me going off topic here.
contact me in discord, neoxian#3936
Hello @neoxian. I came by to thank you for your recent upvotes for some of my posts. I appreciate this so much more than you can imagine. I'm not in any position to borrow money, but I did write my last post about my current situation. If you have a chance to look at it and have any thoughts at all about it, I would be so grateful to hear them.
Thank you again and I hope you don't mind me going off topic here.