Beware Bank on Steemit (BOS) @bankonsteemit

in #bank7 years ago (edited)

Bank on Steemit (BOS),
@bankonsteemit: Credit rating: D

Hey guys, you know? Something funny happened to me during a loan today. I discovered that I have competition! And let's just say I'm not impressed.

Hey Neoxian, can't you handle a little competition?

Yea, yea, I know what you are thinking, and sure I can. I welcome it.

But you have to get a load of what this Bank is up to....

Ok so I make this loan @prettyrose.

It goes smoothly...almost a little too smoothly really. There is nothing wrong but yet...I get a funny feeling, a hunch...maybe it's my Bank Sense.

I take a peek at her wallet and see this:

Oh..she sent it to someone else..I look at @bobbyblanca

Wait...whut? Sent to @enoq? Why? Why didn't she send it straight to @enoq?

Ok, I'll just save some time and show you a diagram:

  • These transactions are shown in order
  • This all happened in the space of maybe 15 minutes tops.
  • What the fucking fuck??

So ..umm..basically @bankonsteemit needed some money to loan to @michaelcj and borrowed half of it from me, and funneled through various accounts, hoping no one would notice.

Here is the loan for @michaelcj

Hey @michaelcj! Why not just borrow from me direct? I could have given you a better deal.

Now you have to pay extra to a middleman with some shitty secondhand loan.

I mean, wow, what do you even say to this? This is some sneaky bullshit.

I have nothing against Bank to Bank loans, but just approach me openly and honestly.

I went to the Discord of @bankonsteemit and confronted one of the leaders there (the leader?) @vwovwe.

When I asked him why he had to funnel money through all the accounts he had this to say:

Oh..I see, you weren't trying to trick me, just your clients...well that's no big deal, it's all good then...



(look of disapproval)

Yea, way to build trust in your clients there.

Look at there post:

You can see that they offer interest of 3% per WEEK, or 15% per MONTH on deposited money.

This would give them an APR of 180%

Drink that in, that alone places them firmly within scam territory.

I would urge extreme caution when dealing with this Bank!!

Conclusion: I am the Uber Bank, lesser Banks come to me for loans.

Neoxian: Best of the Best Banks


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My Advice to All , before borrowing or Bank on any Bank.
Best is to look at their's Wallet size.
Neoxian Banker , I can be Trusted anytime.

Neoxian do have a long service history.
Neoxian Banker do have $$$ capital.

100% right. agree with you @bullionstackers. the bank of neoxian always do their best.

do their best?

hmm for a bank that's not good enough

its enough. The Bank of Neoxian is the best bank in this community. i love this bank. they are always thinking & working for us.

I agree the Neoxian bank is the best. I think for every single agreement Neox has kept up his side of the bargain.

@neoxian i have known you on PAL for quiet along, but was shocked to see your message on BOS discord and shortly after i saw the message deleted, i begin to think of many things and the first thing is safety....

Anyway is a lesson to every user to go direct to the source rather than second hand loan according to @neoxian.

Thanks foe this open eyes buddy.....

Yeah, that's shady. That's gonna implode!

Hahaha they find ways. You're a funny bank, I like you. 😂

Like seriously, you can't fathom how confused I am right now, maybe I will have settle my silly brain down a bit, then re-read this, it's quite confusing tho,

Your flowchart helps, it is becoming clearer, little by little, BTW what the f*ck happened up there really?#edited

Basically that Bank doesn't have very much money, so they borrowed some from me, but were trying to hide that fact by passing the money through a half-dozen accounts between me and them.

This bank was born to petrify steemit users who need loans with low interest rates.
To all Steemians the only bank that has been held in steemit is the bank @neoxian. If @neoxian is guaranteed and proven.

You are the Uber bank. Salutations.
That funneling shit looked like an electric circuit, fuck man
What the hell are they thinking

INB4 defaulting.

Ohhh but they making lot of money out of it, its okay man its not gonna have that much success, as their APR is too high, but what you are doing is amazing and you are reaching to normal people here at Steemit...You are not going to hv competition in that

They are not impressed!! how funny!
oviously they are knowing about the bank of neoxian. just they are trying to get loan of you. they are not know you are the legand & talented. you easily caught them. That's very good. i am learning about this subject. thank you sir @neoxian

what a funny discussion they are with you! i think they are just kidding with you! the bank of neoxian is the best for loan policy! don't be serious this funny issue sir @neoxian. you are the best.

Bank on Steemit (BOS), you guyz are kidding with @neoxian sir about loan! i think you have no SBD in your account, for that reason you are trying to cheated with the bank of neoxian. Thank you so much sir @neoxian for share with us this issue. we are learning so many important issue from this article.

Stay safe from such people.

(I would urge extreme caution when dealing with this Bank!!
Conclusion: I am the Uber Bank, lesser Banks come to me for loans.) i really enjoy this thing. @neoxian sir i think that time you feel little crazy to then. anyway they are just trying to follow you. don't warry sir you are the great. thank you for this important information share with us.

I know that you have excellent sense of human. you caught their plan. that's very good, i think they are trying to find your bank loan policy, then they are trying their own bank, like as your bank policy.
@neoxian you prove again, you are the best & THE BANK OF NEOXIAN alawys best.

Bank is our safe place, I am very happy to see your post. Loan, savings bank has a system of progress

what kind of bank that was lol even competition is not competition anymore

sorry to ask this silly bad question but what will happen now is it gone to wrong person ?

Good question. "@prettyrose" or really The Bank On Steemit, still owes me that money and they better pay. I can take the @prettyrose account if they don't.

I am kind of impressed how people here are becoming smarter and more creative in their methods just to profit some money. Also that response made me laugh big time lol

Bank on Steemit (BOS),Actully are not know you @neoxian sir. may be they are want trap for you but you are a principal of this banking syestem. they are not knowing that. Thanks sir for share with us.

We know that The Bank of Neoxian always great working fo every one. they are makings so many opportunity for us but others banks are jalous of you @neoxian sir. they are bad people. we are always with. keep it up.

yesterday after I borrowed money from @neoxian .. suddenly I got an invitation from the bank of steemit in discord. I try to see how they work. and it seems a bit silly. they never membulikasinya. how stupid I am if I eat their lure bait. let alone already know their performance only takes results from intermediaries. it would be stupid if all the steemians do not know of the most honest and instant bank like the Bank of Neoxian. thanks for sharing sir. i like you

Wow, I did not know there are banks in Steemit 😁 , but giving the master key as Collateral sounds little scary.

You can Trust @neoxian, Read his old posts. He got 100% customer satisfaction. So, You don't need to worry about anything if you are taking loan from Sir @neoxian

so much interconnection in this what kind of loan is that gone to i hope she returns back

Hahaha, Poor @michaelcj! I am very excited to see his comment on this post. @neoxian I would suggest you to do some promotion on steemit. I mean many people still don't know about you. If @michaelcj knew that @neoxian bank exists then He definitely got contacted you instead of any other bank.

Let me also make a promotional post for you on my blog.
Hope for the best & Have a Great Day!

He has responded, but so far he is defending them. I guess he is ok with his secondhand loan.

trust matters over the time competition comes and go only the best survives

You always prove it @neoxian sir your bank is best. we tfust your work & your bank loan. so many peoples are trying to damage your loan system. but you are our superman. you always caught this kind of bad people. carry on sir.

the money really flowed in strange way that's epic think happened

haha! neoxian this is nice move to deal with this man. I hope you always safe from this type folks....

WTF... It is surely done to be kept hidden from you so they can run their own so called bank business by taking loan from you and loaning it to others on a higher interest. They certainly cannot be trusted !!

Neoxian: Best of the Best Banks

APR of 180%.A big amount profit.O my god.'s interesting .... the loan contract is getting interesting. It's a best deal of bank system.......///////

Hey Neoxian, can't you handle a little "competition"?

I would say that's bad banking on their part that works in your favor, see, there is no such thing as bad publicity:)))


Competitions will be great as it will show everyone why to choose us. Moreover it will help us work hard and in that case we will dwell. So i say let them come and come soon.

That looks weired,come on people lets resteem this post so it can help thousands of people who are expecting some loan,@neoxian you are the best in producing loans.

Wow that's crap. If someone wanted a loan why not ask the direct party for the loan. I don't understand why did he ask the third party for the loan , maybe he doesn't know about you.
I don't understand why do people take the amount from you and loan it to somebody else, you have to be cautious about that my friend. This is bad competition.

#whale problems, but I agree not cool

Hey iam also not impressed lot with him,here @neoxian is the doubt.

So, this is basically: buy low and sell high. But with loans. Pretty nifty idea, but it would obviously have been better to be transparent.. But that wouldn't bring them any customers.

I wonder what would happen if their clients didn't paid them...

I just didn't like how sneaky they were about it. If @vwovwe had openly approached me for a loan on behalf of his bank, it could have been a whole different story.

Yeah obviously. Who knows, that could've lead to cool things in the future. I'm glad you realized this.

There is no compitition for you specially in giving loans and helping people.

Ohh that is bizarre , it seemed conspiracy... From ur bank to theirs.. What was the logic.. Don't they use their own SBD..

They don't have very much of their own SBD.

Oh well, I guess there's nothing wrong in tricking your clients? NOT

@neoxian rules..... 💃💃💃

This is serious. I like the fact that you acted professional enough to confront one of the leaders.

Caution is required for all clients

Some clever moves there splitting it three ways like that. I followed the little maze you made and felt lost for the past 10 minutes. I'm glad I got out of there alive. Looks like you're dealing with some professionals.

You can try this maze.

I only liked mazes I find on restaurant place mats but those bastards never have a pen for me so I have to use ketchup.

Here is my favorite steemians buddy. Good to see you my friend. Always been a pleasure to see anything from you. @nonameslefttouse

I naturally don't like dishonest people at all. What will eat them up if they just walk up straight and say they need a loan from the bank of @neoxian to complete their own loan deal?

LooL, Bank of Neoxian can't have a competition just yet, it has built a reputation and name for itself and that cannot be gotten by running sneaky deals and being dishonest with clients.

You have a excellent sense of humor to deal the peoples, wonderful 💕

Interesting so they collect loan and give it out on a higher ROI, wow so at the end they end up not paying any interest smart move, but scammy in nature, but scammy in nature

You're just jealous of the loan shark shadiness level of this guy.

Yea you are right, I'm just not as shadey or loan sharky as them. They have outdone me.

Don't let em get to you Neox, you're the original, the real deal, the legitness himself.

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