This post contains three contracts.
The Bank of Neoxian shall loan the sum of 360 steem to @sthitaprajna. He promises to repay 400 steem. He shall pay 40 steem per week until 400 steem is reached. The date of first payment shall be 18th June, 2018.
The Bank retains the owner key of @sthitaprajna and shall return it when this loan is complete.
The Bank of Neoxian shall loan the sum of 120 steem @fknmayhem. He promises to repay 140 steem. He shall repay 17.5 steem per week until 140 steem is reached. The first payment shall be on June 3rd, 2018.
To insure payment of this loan, the lendee promises to hand over their Owner key(s) to the bank. The bank will give back new active and posting keys to the lendee. The lendee affirms that the owner key(s) are given voluntarily and their account(s) are not stolen. They promise not to initiate the Stolen account recovery procedure.
The lendee agrees that if the Bank decides to change the active key(s) and keep them private, this does not constitute of breach of contract.
Lendee also consents to Bank changing the trustee if the Bank so chooses.
Owner key(s) will be returned upon successful completion of loan.@fknmayhem shall hereafter be known as the lendee..
The Bank of Neoxian shall loan the sum of 150 SBD to @looking. They promise to return 157.250 SBD in 8 days time.
The Bank retains the owner key of @looking and shall return it when this loan is complete.
("Zaibatsu. Tokyo" by AkimovMikhail of DeviantArt)
Please sign below...
Thank you
Bank really helpful for steemit users!Congratulations @sthitaprajna
I hereby [lots of boring formal lingo]... return as stated in the post.
Thanks, @neoxian for helping many Steemians, me included, with your excellent service.
Two contracts in the same day! That's awesome! Congratz all!@neoxian,
Congrats @sthitaprajna
Neoxian Bank is the best for anyone. may always be a blessing
I hope you will double the amount in a small interval of timeCongrats @sthitaprajna, hope you will use the steem well.
congratulations @sthitaprajna hope you use it well and it will serve you well..
Congrats @sthitaprajna and @fknmayhem on the loan recieved:) Kudos @neoxian, your banking service is awesome 👍👍
Congratulations @sthitaprajna! 💪
Picture are beautiful and amazing, Neoxian.
Bank of neoxian is always in our hearts.👌
Congrats @sthitaprajna, may you gain and be able to pay the loan before the exceeded time, kudos big boss @neoxian
wow ,,another deal of loan dear @neoxian sir with @sthitaprajna ,,, congrates @sthitaprajna,,,wow,,its The Zaibatsu Bank of Neoxian,,great name of bank ,,thanks for support through bank ,,,,
Congrats @sthitaprajana neoxian bank is the best, neoxian bank has a lot of steemit to lend to the more important
Bank of Neoxian: Banks are incredible!Congrats @sthitaprajna, @fknmayhem.
oh ,,its 400 steam,,congrates dear @sthitaprajna for make a deal of loan,,really @neoxian bank is so usefull bank.. also congrates @neoxian sir for your bank
Congratulation @looking and @sthitaprajna. You are lucky guys as you choose bank of neoxian. Really bank of neoxian helps us a lot.
i would love to have those steem
cheers mr neoxian o/wow thats a great loan @sthitaprajna
Hello, Neoxian, two contracts, two new clients, the Bank is becoming stronger every day
The zaibatsu were the heart of economic and industrial activity within the Empire of Japan and had a great influence on Japanese national and foreign polici
that's so incredibly beautiful photo of "Zaibatsu" it looks like metro station
Congrats on making this deal 'zaibatsu bank's
You sure have a fancy dictionary
Zaibatsu, Tokyo. I bet they serve good coffeenanas there. Congratulations, @sthitaprajna. Wish you all the besst.
Great three loans with over 11% / 16.66%/ 4.8% profits The Zaibatsu Bank of Neoxian has made!
Congratulation to both @sthitaprajna, @fknmayhem & @looking!
Congratz today to The bank of neoxian for tge best three contracts. Congratz to three client. Best of luck guyz.
I would like to say to @sthitaprajna and @fknmayhem, for having made a loan from Neoxian Bank, Neoxian Bank is the best.
I have a problem. 'Congratulations.' But it's a tough problem. "Then double congratulations since double contract". This place... Zaibatsu suit best of City of Neoxian. 😆
What is 'zaibatsu'
It sounds like something related to Japanese anime
Oringially zaibatsu were (yes, japanese) big Holdings, vertically organized and owned by a single clan, mostly started in the Meiji-Industrialization time. (1868-WW1 you could say)
They were uh... shattered (? the legal term) after WWII by the Allied Powers Command, since they were seen as key to the nationalistic (streamlined and often nationalized war) economy. Most of the names still live, like Mitsubishi, one of the original "big four".
After WWII they were "replaced" by the keiretsu, more informal, horizontally interconnected conglomerates (like holding a bigger amount of each others stock).
There are often similar but with a bank at the center. Again Mitsubishi is an example.
It is a interesting point of Japanese history in itself lol
Also one part of the explanation why Japans industry did so good. The parts worked together, often helping each other and because of the interconnection the pressure for short term profit was smaller, and long term strategic development weighted more.
"Zaibatsu", you just added that prefix to your bank?
Nice prefix, I'll say
Cool content..
I hope this deal turns us as a good bonding.,,,
awesome article,,,
360 steem to @sthitaprajna!!!! Thanks for sharing @neoxian,,
The Zaibatsu Bank of Neoxian, is a financial group that came to stay and to participate and help in all sectors of the economy (food, electricity, electronic equipment, cars, etc.) ... We are not in favor of any government. we only want to work and bring welfare to all the people. Our Zaibatsu, doesn't seek the personal benefit of its owner; and therefore, our loans or credits are granted with minimum intreses and all the mod cons that the client needs.

In the City of Neoxian we are developing a new Zaibatsu, the Zaibatsu of the Bank of Neoxian ... If you want to be part of our family, do not hesitate to contact us.
Come on! Approach and be part of our Family.
Greetings @neoxian
congratulation to :

those who have received a capital loan from the bank @neoxian. thanks for the trust to the bank @neoxian.
@neoxian bank is an aspirative, accommodative and implementative bank. thank you
Bangkofneoxian the best
Praise the sun! Praise the loans! Praise capitalism!
Well go on the Bank of Neoxian .
Keep up the good work of helping others in the community !
Wah my teacher @neoxian . This is really the big contract for this week.. it's contain 3 contract for 3 persons stemian..
Congrats to you All.
I signed si..
Thank you very much
But through this, they will be helped, which is a big thing by money, in my opinion, I want help from money, because you have a special reason that we can lookI think the time has been asked to pay you, you pay the right amount and pay a small interest to them, which is very low for you my friend @neoxian
A very good Bank of Neoxian always help anyone in need, the best Bank in steemit. Always success for the Bank of Neoxian.
a very good project, and very helpful, even though I'm not in that position
Yet another Great gesture from @bankofneoxian. Congrats to those leasing steem.
Bank really helpful for steemit users!
Congratulations @sthitaprajna thanks the Great and trusted bank of @Neoxian
good job..👌👌congratulatiobs to @sthitaprajna I like it dear @neoxian
read your post about the contract I am very impressed, hope you are more successful again, if we small steemians this can get support from you, what is the requirement that I must fulfill? success always make you @neoxian ..
Cool once again @neoxian..... keep up your good work ... Congrates to the recepient. YO YO
Congratulations to @sthitaprajna, @fknmayhem, @looking. Thank you @neoxian sir for share with us.
I am also interested to it..
thanks for helping us..that's a great job dear @neoxian
Zaibatsu. Tokyo photograph is amazing.
Bank really helpful for steemit users!Congratulations @sthitaprajna. @fknmayhem. & @fknmayhem. Bank of @neoxian is always in our hearts.
Congratulations to you. You are a proud loan recipient. I hope you pay the loan quickly!
You signed the contract and took the money for the money. I think the time at which you have been asked to pay the money, you will pay the exact amount of time and with a little interest to whom it will be added, which is very little for you.
@sthitaprajna Friends, you are very lucky that you got a loan from Sir, Sir is a very important person, he is playing a very important role for this community and he runs a beautiful banking service.
I hope you pay your lona money at the right time and complete a very important banking service with sir.
Congratulations to @sthitaprajna and @fknmayhem who have been trusted by a bank of neoxian with a loan of 360 steam for @sthitprajna and120 steem for @fknmayhem. hopefully can return according to the contract that has been agreed. success to sir @neoxian with our all pride bank "bank of neoxian"
Congratulations to customers. Hopefully more successful. Bankofneoxian is the best and most trusted bank.