We have been sold a BIG LIE - that keeps us broke , in debt, always needing a job and running to keep a good credit rating.
It has nothing, and yet everything to do with cryptocurrencies - and the profound new shift in financial technologies sweeping the globe.
This is my conspiracy theory, born from observation and only recently become more clear to me. This realization about this LIE came about in stages. It started many years ago while I was always struggling to pay bills and started to study everything I could find about success with money.
Why Do Schools Neglect Education?
After I graduated highschool in Canada and obtained a University degree in Canada, I had no positive education with money.
Does this sound familiar to you?
Money is a center of our survival and working with other people, and yet our formal education systems fail to educate us about money.
Much later in my life, after I sought out and gained some key information about the laws and rules of money - and started to accumulate successes with money, I increased my studies aiming to accelerate my progress. Then someone else pointed out this glaring lack within our education system.
Still, it was just a curiosity to me that the school system did not teach the good things I had recently learned about how money works - and I reasoned that perhaps I was taught this topic and did not pay it heed...
Later, as I learned about bitcoin and how it differed from the FIAT monetary system - I began to view the wording of financial institution promotional materials with a different perspective and a lot more distrust.
Then it hit me.
And 'The LIE' started to stand out to me everwhere I looked!
I realized that most of us gain our financial education from the advertising slogans of companies that are selling debt!
Here's how it works. These corporations have teams that are paid to hire ad firms that are paid to increase customer conversions. Everyone within the chain of implementing these sales processes are indoctrinated with the thinking that they are providing a customer service.
I paraphrase a delightful and heart-tugging family commercial by a well known hardware store in Canada that was on television just before Christmas
'our credit card makes things more affordable'
The commercial was not speaking to affluent people who could save money with a deal. It was clearly aimed at those who were cash-strapped yet had a feeling of obligation to 'show their love' during the holidays.
The marketing team did well and celebrated the success in generating new card owners. The hardware store exec got their bonuses for bringing in the christmas sales when the retail competition is tough and uncertain.
And the masses who didn't have the money to start with, now also have interest to pay because they fell for THE LIE.
Those who are FIAT blind say 'thank's captain obvious' for pointing out 'the way the system is...'
But those with a little knowledge about Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies are starting to see how the FIAT financial system, based on growing debt as a sign of economic development, is more imaginary and less accountable than financial technologies based on blockchain.
Cryptos will go through boom and bust, but FIAT's days are numbered.
Financial technologies based on blockchain, are often traded as tokens or an individual currency. It may also be stating the obvious, but having a small $100 investment in each of a wide range of these new fintech tokens, held for a five year investment plan, will return unspeakable gains!
And yet, the masses can hear this truth - and will never take action on it.
Because the LIE that our finacial institutions have fed us with is too loud in their ear.
The LIE that debt is easy, solves a problem and feels good and the LIE that saving and investing is difficult.
The 'FIAT Blind' have negative feelings about money. And no wonder - you may have have years or decades of debt to repay. So when I suggest a five year investment plan the FIAT Blind cannot imagine leaving money sitting there for five years... having money sit there makes them anxious they want to take it and pay bills to reduce debts.
And yet, as soon as the debt is paid nearly down, the FIAT Blind will take out another loan, or take on a line of credit and sign up for years of payments... temporarily feeling good about their new purchase - sucked in again, because of the slick and practiced sales methods of the Banking industry.
I know this cycle because it caused me decades of struggle.
I know this cycle because I see well-educated friends walk into the traps of perpetual debt, and see them struggling to invest money and leave it invested.
And I also know a way out of this struggle and endless loop cycle of debt and negative feelings about money because I have worked my way from struggle to amazing successes!
By following guides and teachers and put their methods into action for myself... I proved this path can arrive at the destination of more financial abundance!
Bitcoin and Cryptocurrecies mean something different to me.
Aside from the drastic changes in business processes and apart from many of the wide ranging effects they will have on insurance and information processing of all kinds...
I see cryptos as the killer app for the poor and middle class to gain an even footing and build their own wealth and freedom.
They are the killer app for changing the way you feel and the way you think about money.
Sharing this method that I learned from so many sources, and putting it into a clear and simple plan that
people can apply with cryptocurrency - has become a joy and a keen passion of mine!
The masses have been mis-informed about money. And I know from experience.
But today, a greater and greater number of FIAT Blind people have been gaining new sight recently... and in my next message I'm going to share what I'm doing to reach and teach as many people as possible with some amazing and free training!
But before that
I want to hear from you
(- a genuine answer to these questions, not just a generic 'great post' bot kinda comment...)
What is your experience with the slick advertising the big banks use to 'dupe' common folk into signing up for debt?
Do you think Big Banks have anything to do with Schools neglecting to teach about money?
Are you going to retire wealthy? Have your parents retired wealthy?
Great article. Thank you! And here are my answers.
About the first question:
I think there should be a law against this types of advertisements, like cigarettes and alcohol.
The are highly addictive, lower you're live quality and can be Lethal. https://www.huffingtonpost.com/c-cryn-johannsen/student-loan-debt-suicides_b_1638972.html
The politicians are accepting the education system, and the Big Banks are funding the politicians, so it is just returning the favor.
Third and fourth:
Yes, i am on the way to retire wealthy. (Because of the Crypto, and some financial education i did my self.)
No my parents wont retire wealthy.
The way we categorize money in our minds is based on our habits with money and our beliefs about money. Even reviewing how we imagine dealing with money can be very revealing about any potential future wealth you may acquire.
Recently I posted a question, 'What would you do if you had a little extra money?'
And I would be interested to get more perspective from additional answers. This is a question I that I had to study for a long time, and really reflect on the different categories of answers that are possible - and the reasoning behind them.
Thanks for this