Old Printers, Old Wallets -Connecting to Our Roots.

in #banking7 years ago (edited)

No silly, you can't put that there.

Last time we talked about printers that allowed you to print, one character at a time until the whole page was done.


Here we have old time wallets that would hold Bitcoins or Dash. I have this nasty habit of changing the white plug-in from one to the next as they ask for energy. They are like my old pets.

Breaking the Android habit as well as the "younameit.com" exchange habit is hard. I used to be happy doing my trading on Poloniex, making up to one Bitcoin per day at times. Those days are gone. I stopped that risky business many moons ago.

The new wallets are core-wallets and the new exchanges are these new things called a "DEX" which doesn't get stepped on by presidents and prime ministers.

It has taken weeks to do

I started out by digging to the bottom of that box. Yes, you know the one. It has all the old keychains, qtips, and coins in it. I find this plastid rectangle...


I know it has something to do with navigation because one of them says "coordinates" on it (in Spanish of course) and the other has all the numbers worn off and hardly legible, but there is this constantly changing thing on the front called a "brand" - this example shows that it was "Standard" and now it is "ICBC"

I have been trying to find out why the Private Key (keep it secret) and Public Key (give it to people) is so complicated.

These old less complicated Bitcoin wallets, use buildings instead of a distributed network of miners, they use people who can manipulate all the money in any wallet and fixing those problems costs users a day off work, taking numbers, and waiting to be called. The other option is worse, dialing in your ID number, account number, PIN code, Date of Birth, and other information (as if you had an owner or something). This option is called AI. Either option will get your money back, but the problem starts with "human error".


So I fought all week to get back to my roots, and find all these cards. The cool thing is that this technology still works. I found that there are still paper rectangles stuck in my card from late 2015 and I can still see them on the banking.com site.

They are still there after all that time so you know banking is safe! Just look at the wigged out hologram security label on the back of my ASIV card.

Next I went to get something called a Tax ID Number so I can hand write receipts to people and pay part of what they give me to the president, I can't wait. This is vaguely familiar, but so interesting. (see last photo)

The tax people do not want me to participate in this payment plan, but I am fighting to be included after so many years.

I was actually rejected for not having a new kind of card, all I had was a booklet that calls me a "stranger"! I left there and went directly to the other building full of chairs and gave them my face and finger photos in order to get the new card which will allow me to join the society of contributors. Only a small percentage of the population get to be in this group.

For now I am a stranger


I will be getting my new one of these in the next couple weeks and I am hoping for a better looking one. This one is way too obvious, showing my strangeness.

My kids already have the non-cloth ID cards. They have huge holograms on them. If mine is brown and burlap like this one, I will be disappointed.

All of this is way less complicated and much more secure than Private/Public keys.

Next post I hope to talk about writing those receipts I told you about. They are called "facturas"!


Here is the paper kind...


I guess I could fill out mine with a typewriter (see last post)

No, it's satire!



I have been trying to escape "the system" and live a more simple life. I can't help but wonder what makes you want to get back under the watchful eye of the banking system.

As a bureaucrat Argentina is dear friend @ sponge-bob, I know very well the time lost when doing a procedure here, but if it is related to the afip.
If you are responsible registered that bill does not work for you, that is for any citizen who requests an invoice, the invoices c (they are of final consumption) in your case you have to request invoice A and if you are monotributista the invoices b.

Wow so you were rejected for not having a particular card that will allow you give back? As in tax? Well couldn't they just issue you a new one? Does it take time?
Wow stranger? That's not sweet

So how do you wish to break the barrier and contribute then?

Hello my friend. You have a lots of these cards that means your don't care about the bills, you are the money man. Anyways know what I have been waiting for almost 3 to 4 months for my passport and it ain't coming. I gotta thank you passport officials for this.
And your master card is gold plated, dude enjoy your life if you have there sources.

when we have cards why should we care about bills

I have been waiting for almost 3 to 4 months for my passport and it ain't coming.

wait for another 3,4 months,lol

Sure man. I know that when people in the government offices are just like you. Lol

patient friend.
all this takes process and patience is the main key to deal with it

Or you can pay even more and have it in less than 48 hours. God bless bureaucracy.

chnging from old to new is necessary
though old has its own charm that will fade with time and you haveto adopt new

Only a small percentage of the population get to be in this group.

it will bea good feeling

Hoy tengo una colección de tarjetas, algunas me permites sacar papeles de unas maquinas, papeles que antes tenian mas valor que ahora. Conservo unas libretas (En la foto faltan dos) que contienen datos de mi identidad, cada vez que cambio de domicilio tengo que generar un nueva (La última indica mi domicilio fuera de Argentina).

En uno de mis posts he contado mi última experiencia con esas empresas que retienen tu dinero y deciden en que condiciones dártelo (Banco), He estado mas de dos días y esperar que se acrediten unos centavos para cerrar las cuentas.

Pero bueno, tenemos que estar felices porque estas empresas nos dan beneficios y nos controlan para que utilicemos bien lo que ganamos... jejejeje

Craziness that we the people have confidence in little plastic cards but we cannot leave digital currency in the wallets for a couple days without asking how to "get the cash out?"

I tried to get a Dash filled card once. Right about that time, all crypto-filled cards stopped working - shut off by the visa and master system all at one time.

Hola querido amigo, veo un pasaporte, afortunado para los que los puedes sacar en próximas semanas y libremente. Aquí en Venezuela es una locura para obtenerlos. Estoy de acuerdo contigo, tambien me pregunté hace unos días que fue cuando entre en mi primer wallet.
Estas tarjetas visa y mastercard colores llamativos dorados, plateados.
Quiero probar esas facturas y no saber nada de pagar facturas jajaj

Saludos o/

Hello dear friend, I see a passport, fortunate for those who can get them out in the next few weeks and freely. Here in Venezuela is crazy to get them. I agree with you, I also wondered a few days ago that was when I enter my first wallet.
These Visa and MasterCard cards are gold-plated, silver-coloured.
I want to try those bills and not know anything about paying bills hahaha
Best regards

This is a friend, one has to enter the system, it is a bit safer but we are already registered so that they can see everything we do. a big hug.

Hey @sponge-bob I really like your publications. I had time without comment in one. regards

La tecnologia nos sorprende, aqui en venezuala practicamente la moneda a desaparecido, todos dependemos de la moneda virtual en nuestra tarjetas de debito y creditos para ser utilizadas en los puntos de venta! Feliz noche...

jejej excelente punto, la evolución de la tecnología es imparable, lo mas seguro a futuro nos inyecten un chip codificado para hacer transacciones por voz. jejeje

You were a little hanging around your wallets and IDs, it's good to do inventories from time to time. I am very young to make these inventories but lately I have had to go learning, a few months ago I have a debit card and I have little time to enter the very dangerous 18 years of age. I'll see invoices, papers, documents hanging around everywhere ... (I'm already seeing them, it's good to get used to it)

Actually I also have been very bored with paper money. Ihey continue to go up and down as her heart (I don't understand about the bank) without thinking we are squeezed here. They continue to shake up the market and bring down the value of our money so that the value of money a month could work out in a day. Have a nice day broo @sponge-bob :)

All of this is way less complicated and much more secure than Private/Public keys.

These old things do have a certain charm to them.
But like with life, even though you have to move on to the new stuff, you can still enjoy the old

Cada día, la tecnología va avanzando y nos toca dejar atrás, nuestras preciadas herramientas de trabajo, recuerdo que antes, todo era más seguro , hoy en día todo es tecnológico, gracias por compartir .

good to see your post! <3hello @sponge-bob its really a nice post i myself Don't know anything about paying bills etc..

good post, I have not read your post for a long time. where are you? it's rarely present to post

Hello @sponge-bob I am your new follower, by the way I liked your post

A través del tiempo , vamos innovando y nos toca ir adaptandonos a las necesidades, lo de antes era mucho mas fácil y seguro de usar, Dios permita y tenga pronto buenas noticias y pueda ser un contribuyente feliz. Bendiciones!

As far as I know in the data cable such a problem, not in the android root. But I do not know maybe your Android root power is amazing ^_^

We need old things to help us grow old and new things to help us stay young. It may anythings ...Such as money, wallet or other need things.. Because we know a famous sentence old is gold..It is already proved..

He is absolutely right, this revolution of the virtual currency is unstoppable, I do not know why they print paper without value. They must give up and accept that the crypto will be the currency, to pay by cell phone. android

I also keep many old cards and they are almost new because I did not use them, the current ones are very used here, we do not get cash. The old is falling behind, but we will always remember it with nostalgia, greetings, friend.

Waoo muy interesante tu post , y como hay que adaptarse a los cambios de la tegnologia aqui en mi pais ahorita hay una escacez de dinero y se tiene que pagar con targetas y el otro problema son las lineas que se caen a cada rato , es bueno que existan nuevas tecnologias para contrarrestar estos problemas , saludos.

Aquí en Venezuela solo gestionan rápido es la tarjeta o carnet de la Patria, pero para obtener una tarjeta en el banco, nunca hay material, para la Cédula tampoco y para un pasaporte menos aún, como la gente está emigrando ni se preocupa el gobierno por obtener material para dar el Pasaporte. , Y ahora como todo es digitalizado se dificulta mas. Gracias por compartir.

Nunca pensaste en caminar cuzando la frontera? Yo llegue aca y pase mas que una decada sin que nadie pide mi documento. Hoy en dia estoy actualizandolo para poder comprar un auto. Un taxi no esta seguro mas, manejan y whatsappean a la vez.

Very good post, your words can be a motivation for everyone to work in Steemit. I think you have a lot of knowledge about Cryptocurrency, so you understand about trading and about the market. Speaking of Bitcoin, I've read from someone else's article, they say that Bitcoin and STEEM prices will rise to 100% by the end of 2018. What do you think? Will it happen?
If it happens, I think, many people in the world will be rich
Thanks for sharing.

Good question. I answer it all the time. the bitcoin price in dollars will go well over one million, but those with dollars will be paying $200,000.00 for a cup of coffee (like Venezuela and their paper).

Everyone who uses paper thinks in the way the paper pushers want them to. Reverse it! Paper is the fake money and anything not paper is what you will need to survive.

Paper (without exception) has always gone to its intrinsic value. 0.00

It is happening here as I write this comment. When I arrived in Argentina, milk sold for $0.50 per liter. Now, it is $27 in pesos and $1.00 in dollars. Both are losing their value, the dollar ONLY lost half of its worth. Please think about this as both collapse.

Well, thank you very much for the information @sponge-bob, you explain all this very well, this really helps me, because so far I always ask about Bitcoin and STEEM, about price prediction for the future, because I want to use that prediction for invest.

Good idea,its a creative thinking.keep it up sir.thanks

I thank you very much for this platform that makes me earn cryptocurrencies and helps me to emerge in my country.

Excelente post amigo sin duda la tecologia a avanzado mucho todo es ahora digital aqui en mi pais el servicio que nos ofrecen las empresas si no hes bueno diria que muy lento y con muchos problemas aqui prefiero que se quedara mas a lo antiguo pero bueno la tecnologia avanza sin poderla detener nadie gracias por compartir felicidades gran trabajo

Hello friend I love this post I remember that I always get confused with so many cards that I use every day I prefer sometimes to go out with a single technology surprises us every day more and more greetings and success

Definitivamente los billetes y las monedas van a desaparecer , aquí en mi país por ejemplo es mas caro imprimir el billete que lo que se va a comprar con el y es complicado por las grandes cantidades de billetes que necesitas para comprar algo tan tonto como un refresco debido a la hiperinflacion actual.

La tecnología va a paso agigantado y por ender todo las transacciones y transferencias se estan realizando en forma virtual o digitalizado. En Venezuela no se consigue dinero en efectivo y los venezolanos se han visto en la necesidad de adquirir tarjetas bancarias osea los plasticos para hacer sus compras en un momento determinado. Exelente post.

Saludos sponge Bob hoy en día dependemos muchos de pago por medio de punto de ventas y moneda electrónica , en mi país hay problemas con el efectivo por lo tanto dependemos cada día más de las plataformas electrónicas y puntos de ventas ! La moraleja es que cada día más que pasa dependemos de la tecnología para cubrir necesidades de compras! Que tenga buenas noches sponge Bob!

simplicity is the key to theirs success and it will always be evergreen

Wow you can generate a daily btc many moons ago and what happened do not tell me you did not save your btc?

The guides are all in my blog. What happened? Bittrex decided I should not be able to withdraw my funds one day. I "verified" my account using someone else's ID and took all my money out. At the same time Poloniex lost a large sum of money, so I pulled out of that one too.

When an exchange proves that they are irresponsible with my money, I don't leave my money in that place any longer. Banks lost my trust 3 years ago. I stopped using them 3 years ago.

It is interesting if I saw the guide, bittrex requests a large amount of personal data, so it is not advisable to use that wallet.?

very good decision yours. IF you have already lost confidence.

making one bitcoin a day

i am still craving for one
if i ever get the onei will have some insane happiness

Changing is the trending of era forever....

Very informative post it is.
Thanks for shear it.

Happy Steeming.


It is the best way to put secure money on en insecure .com site owned by who knows who. I would rather give $1,000 to a homeless person and ask him to come back tomorrow with the profits from his investing ventures. Your username fits.

Website Private Keys = Blind Faith

wooo yo en este momento trato de hacer lo posible en venezuela para darle una calidad de vida a mis hijos siendo casi imposible trabajar dede las 7 hasta las 5 pm para encontrarse con que no es suficiente y aun queriendo salir del pais no puedas por que el gasto para hacerlo es extremadamente alto y mas para moverse dos adultos y dos adolescentes asi que solo toca tener fe

the technology is very advanced and every day makes us feel confused as they place things easier and in some cases complicated as is your case, you just have to keep having love for the old

me gusta tu post muy interesante

new are new but old are gold

Sometimes I feel like an old man wanting everything to work as before.

Wow! but we must move forward