The polybius ico has 5 days left tokens will give owners a share of 20% of polybius profit i bought 79 tokens im hoping this goes big
From the looks of there site it looks like they have reached 25 million in money raised what does 25 million mean for polybius
Heres there road map
1 500 000
Authorized Payment Institution
- P2P Loans
- Investment Portfolios
- EBA Clearing
- SWIFT Membership
- EPC Rulebooks
- API License*
- Payment Services
$ 3 000 000
Electronic Money Institution - Consumer and working capital loans
- Foreign Exchange
- Card Issuing and Payment Acquiring through a BIN Principal Member*
- EMI License*
$ 6 000 000
Commercial Bank - Credit Cards
- Savings Deposits
- Open API Apps
- Card Scheme Membership
- Bank License
$ 10 000 000
Digital Pass - Blockchain
- Big Data
- Applied AI
- Internet of Things
- eSignatures
- eSeals
$ 25 000 000
SME Financial Marketplaces - Venture Capital
- Crowdfunding
- Insurance
- Brokerage
$ 50 000 000
Venture Capital, Crowdfunding
All funds over $25m go to the SME Financial Marketplace investment and operational capital
Im thinking they are going places like thier site say they are a bank for the future.
Im guessing there buisness model will be financing just like any bank.
It looks like a good investment time will tell
What are your thoughts comment down below
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Great, except that they do not want anything to do with America right now.