This is a picture of BNM logo. Its an animal alright but what animal.
Bank Negara Malaysia officially stated that their logo come from Malaysia Barking deer or Muntiacus muntjak. They're called as the "barking deer" due to the bark-like sound that it makes as an alarm when danger is present.
BNM logo exactly come from Kelantan Kijang Gold Kupang coin. The kupang gold had been used long time ago, 14th or 17th century. Thats mean the logo had been used for at least 600 years old. The kijang in this coin had a longer tail then today kijang.
They say BNM logo exactly come from Kelantan Kijang Gold Kupang coin. The kupang gold had been used long time ago, 14th or 17th century. Thats mean the logo had been used for at least 600 years old. The kijang in this coin had a longer tail then today kijang.
What kijang/deer has long tail?
Have a look at pictures below the animal they say is Barking deer or Muntiacus muntjak. These pictures don't lie but unfortunately humans loves to.
Observe the tail, neck, legs and body structure.
Now compare with these. look at these pictures below , its the Pharaoh hound dog!!
So which pictures do you think is more accurately related to BNM logo? A sensible and an undefined one would say its the pharaoh hound dog.
Pharaoh dog is a symbol of power and occultism and much much more.
Who's lying and why ?
Do you really think it belongs to and controlled by Malaysia. ? Other central banks are no different only different symbols are used.
Yes....All central banks belong to the PHARAOHS of today. And they their scheme is now been jeapordised by decentralization.
Enough of symboilsm.......leave it to the symbol minded. not be defined. The truth is out there..............embrace it.
Read more:
images credit to google search.
#teammalaysia Member at Steemit.
#mentormemtee with #zublizainordin and #nkkb
@OriginalWorks #originalworks
@zublizainordin says Information such as this @nkkb #nkkb is an Expose of an eye opener. Eyes opener rather. May more people understand Real Money... as in Fiat Money or Cryptocurrency. We know the Truth is rising high above falsehood...
Indeed bro @zublizainordin, Brightness shall fill the room of darkness.
malaysia numismatic field is still under development. Not many dealer like me are serious in preserving history. Even that is unknown to us until now. No clear answer to that.
Thanks for your respond. They say history was and is written by the victors !
Interesting find!
By the way, your teammalaysia tag is misspelled.
Very observant. Thanks edited
Always welcomed :)
It is apparent, that the Secret
Occult exclusivity, cannot figure out how to defeat a transparent BlockChain,
that seems to be slowly but surly choking off those cannot tolerate the Contribution Climate that is about to shower the world with true wealth...
@nkkb says: True and as more people awakes from their sleep, things are going to change for the better. #nkkb
Rothschild,Pharaohs,Illuminati ; they are all the same! Good read mate and i didnt know the symbolic representation of dog in bnm had something to do with it. More aware now.
We have been living with lies all along. Thanks for dropping by. Chao
Decentralization will take the power off them and btw glad steemit exist :)
That's right and ya me too.
Untuk memberikan sebuah tanggapan tentang lambang uang tersebut, tentu harus dipelajari orang jaman dulu, kebanggaan mereka pada zaman dahulu itu apa? Dan binatang kesukaan mereka itu apa? Kalau tidak susah untuk diberi jawaban, tapi lambang uang tersebut seperti anjing, dan bahkan bisa jadi kuda, dan bisa jadi kijang.
Terima kasih dan terpulang lah kepada saudara. nyata nya bagi saya anjing bukan nya kuda atau kijang.
Iya, tapi lebih ke anjing.. serupa lah sam ajing. Hehehe
haha, I smell conspiracy here. The Pharoahs maybe are those Illuminati? hoho..
Good sense of smell and sight @kimzwarch
The Central Banks are not patriots to any of the countries they are located in. They are controlled by a secret, small, nefarious group of individuals who care about one thing: Power. Their ultimate goal is to destroy the nation state and to enslave each nation. Some call this group the New World Order or the Illuminati. We have the data and we've looked at the data, and these people are evil.
Yes you are right and some call them the Cabal.
Cool post.
wow..Terima kasih atas artikel ini..baru terbuka mata dan minda saya..
Wow....nice i never thought it is related that way. To me its always the barking deer.
This is interesting. Thank you for highlighting this :) Now it makes me think deeper if there is a conspiracy behind.
Indeed the rabbit hole is much deeper
Your post sangat luar biasa.
Saya sangat suka and sangat bermanfaat.
Thanks my senior @nkkb
a very good post
posts full of insight
Thank you bro @steemit-up
amazing information bank
amazing picture thank FOR sharing
wonderful logo and amazing photography
Seperti gambar rusa binatang ini
Setiap matawang ada trademark Illuminati. Kalau kita tengok USD ada 'Mata dajjal'
@nkkb says. Ya otu lah hakikat nya. Terima kasih