I'm not exactly sure what mortgage company policies are, but I'm really hoping the Verge/TokenPay system works out. I didn't know about Ethos or Bankera that's really good to know. I like the TokenPay strategy where they are in the process of buying an actual Bank in Vanuatu that's a licensed Bank. I thought it was a clever strategy. And Wraith is going to be a game changer, no matter what the FUD is saying now.
I was looking into this at the time that @Choogirl wrote that article about the Banks screwing her over and I spent a couple of days going to different banks and asking. https://steemkr.com/teamaustralia/@choogirl/first-i-got-f-cked-by-banks-because-of-bitcoin-now-i-ve-been-f-cked-by-visa
When I spoke to NAB about it a couple of months ago at that time they gave me a number to call for their trading department who's apparently in charge of those decisions and who when I rang were borderline hostile in that they were saying they could suspend anything they didn't think fit within their terms. Which is okay but it wasn't said in a re-assuring way. Coinjar currently gets around it by sending payments to Bank accounts as "Bill Buddy Ltd" and I don't think the Banks have quite flagged that yet.
At the moment my route for bringing Crypto back into dollars has been to pay it into Coinjar as BTC then deposit it back out to my Nab account. But it's only been a really small amount (approx $20) which wouldn't really be a flag to a Bank. So I've just set up my Coinjar account to link to my Summerland (Credit Union) account and I'm going to be doing some tests on that this week and then I'm going to stop using NAB and only use Summerland. In the last couple of weeks I've actually earned some decent money on the exchanges and I don't want to test my account at NAB getting frozen with higher amounts that actually mean something. My plan is in the next 2-3 months to have everything completely away from the Banks and into Credit Unions.
When I went around all the Banks last year I was asking them the question in Branch about whether it was okay to trade crypto and have an account and virtually no-one in the Branches knew anything about it, and half of the Tellers were like "Bit what?", whereas the girls at Summerland were really switched on and understood all about Bitcoin, Crypto, etc. The only really clued in guy I got at the Banks was the manager at CAB in Kingscliff who'd been transferred down from Brisbane, and he'd confirmed that he'd seen a few accounts shut down in Brisbane over it, he gave me a CAB number to call which I didn't end up calling. I could tell he thought the whole situation was wrong and I got the feeling he was telling me to be careful.