"Graffiti art has a hard enough life as it is, before you add hedge-fund managers wanting to chop it out and hang it over the fireplace." - Banksy
The "Rat Race" Banksy stencil appeared just a few days ago on the face of an abandoned building at 101 West 14th Street. But, yesterday morning the work (clock face and all) was ordered to be removed by the building owner. It was later confirmed that the work was removed for the purpose of being sold.
To the frustration of passerby's and street art enthusiast Banksy's signature rodent lasted only hours. Personally, I was ready to go visit it! But the building owner quickly got wind of his abandoned building’s newfound fame and had the rat removed.
Ahh, Rats...
This isn’t the first time a Banksy work has been stripped away from its surroundings and sold at a private auction. It’s a really bizarre scenario when a rebellious street artist can command an audience from both sides of the aisle. It’s an unlikely tug of war, or perhaps... an epic trolling?
The Race of Capitalism
Who knows, maybe the removal was all part of the act? Banksy always appears to be 1-2 steps evenly ahead of both his followers and his critics. What do you think, Steemit? If the Rat had stayed - would the impact of it be the same compared to the reality that it survived less than a New York Minute?
What do you think is the meaning behind the rat racing a clock?
ah yes the irony!! And I love this particular Banksy piece. Although I do find this whole scenario eerily disturbing, I also see that in the big picture this shows how the value of street art has increased and that is actually a positive thing.
It's wild! And now this abandoned building has a giant hole in it... i wonder if Banksy will swing back around and add some stencils to ugly glass buildings in midtown. He could cause the dismantling of an entire building ;)
Lol, could be a great strategy for removing awful buildings....Penn Station for example ;-))
Reminds me of the famous violinist that played in the subway and only one person stopped to appreciate it. Just st a word Rat in NYC speaks for itself. I once walked through the Bronx late at night and I couldn’t believe how many rats were on the streets.
I see 'em everyday. I say hello to the regulars I see on the subway.
Lol, just kidding. But yeah, the rat culture in NYC is very bizarre!
Haha, they seem to act quickly!

Haha they do!
For the sake of keeping all street art where it belongs, I’d encourage people not to buy anything by anybody, unless it was created for sale in the first place.
Did you heard about last lawsuit from H&M ?
Basicly they want to use every illegal artwork, like graffiti without any permision from artist and they think it should be devoid of copyright.
H&M want to use street art without any payments.
It began when H&M used artwork made by REVOK in advertising campaign.
First, "coolest monkey in the jungle" drama, now this!?
by the way, if you are intrested in art, I would like to invate you to visit my profile @santanaghd ;)
Looking into this now. I didn't realize this company did that. Ridiculous! Thanks for sharing :)
thanks for upvotes and for your reply! :)
it was an "installation piece"? ... The circumstances for its removal were the real comments the artist was trying to make...
I live in New York. Honestly, it looks intentional. Street art isn't meant to last forever. If he wanted his art to be permanent, he'd paint it on canvas and hang it up in a museum. This is the whole point of street art. That’s s “rat race” could represent city itself, which I’m not surprised at all. It could be a message as well As rat race of life in New York City, where we all have to run in place just to survive.
If there are rats..... damn it!!! .... then there should be rats who steal from the rats! ... like Robin Hood style, clever way. ... Just imagine.... if a art-supportive group steals now the artwork from these guys ... and would sell it by themselves and take the money and put it in social art projects. Instead of whatever will be done now.... And yes, I thought about why not stealing the pieces right in the first place. But this would erode and undercut just the meaning of it from the inside. So no. No way. ... But..... if some assholes already have done it .... hmmm.... like in Oceans 11...12,13,14 or whatever... steal it back from the stealers... and take it then for good use :-)
When some are meant to be, this thing seems very interesting to me, how many new learners
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Great work Sucsesfuly for you brother 🙏
I agree with what others have said. Viewing it as an "installation piece". It was up and gone in a New York minute. Says a lot. Says everything, really.
Good job..........
Reminds me of the famous violinist that played in the subway and only one person stopped to appreciate it. Just st a word Rat in NYC speaks for itself. I once walked through the Bronx late at night and I couldn’t believe how many rats were on the streets.
Sucks they’ve taken it down :/ especially if they’re selling it! Banksys art is seen lots all around England it’s great when you spot one!
I did post about Banksys theme park exhibition Dismaland the other day if you wanted to check it out :)