One night a man walks into a bar looking very sad.

The bartender sees the man and asks him what he wants. The man says
Oh, just a beer.
The bartender curious why the man looks so sad asks him:
What's wrong, why are you so sad today?
The man replies:
My wife and i got into a fight and she said she wouldn't talk to me for a month.
The bartender says:
So what's the problem with that?
The man replies:
Well the month is up tonight.
Upvote if it made you laugh
Resteem to share the joy
i think its time to get a divorce then :P
Loved it @bestjokes :)
Great joke @bestjokes :)
Feels Bad Man... T.T
That is life...sometimes :P @spiritualmax
Gif by Tenor
Love this gif @rlt47
I love these old school jokes. They always remind me of an old man I knew when I was a little kid. How fun!
Glad you liked @echowizard :)