Most of us know that Barbie is the most famous fashion doll. But did you know that it took more than a hundred people just to create a Barbie doll and her fashion style?
So here are the facts that you might want to know if you're a Barbie Lover.
Full Name
= Barbara Millicent Roberts
= Barbie is named after Ruth & Elliot Handler's daughter Barbara
= Ken is named after Ruth & Elliot Handler's son Kenneth
= So Barbie & Ken were inspired by a brother and sister
= March 9, 1959 (It is the so-called "Debut of Barbie" when Barbie was launched/introduced to the toy industry during the New York Toy Fair.)
= Willows, Wisconsin (This is only fictional. She also studied high school here.)
= Paper Dolls (Ruth saw her daughter, Barbara, who likes to play paper dolls)
Modelled After:
= Bild Lilli Doll in Switzerland (The physical appearance and the body of Barbie)
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= When Barbie stands, it measures 11.5 inches tall.
= 110 pounds (according to her bathroom scale from 1965)
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First manufactured:
= handstitched by workers of Japan
First Career
= Teenage fashion model at the age of 17.
First Outfit
= Black and white stripes swimsuit
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First Barbie worths
= $3 (The first ever barbie was sold at $3)
First Pet
= Horse named Dancer
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First car
= Austin Healy Roadster
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First Fashion Doll In A Wheel Chair
= Named as "Smile Becky"
= Released on 1997
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Best Selling Barbie
= Totally hair doll
= in 1992
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Started wearing flats
= In the year 2015
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Barbie & Ken broke up
= In 2004, Barbie & Ken broken up. Then get back together in 2011 thru Barbie's FB status "My heart beats only for Ken"
Blaine Gordon
= Barbie's rebound
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Book series
= Barbie has released her backstory in 1960's.
= Which includes the name of her parents, George & Margaret (never released as dolls)
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Most expensive doll
= cost $302,500 in an auction
= designed w/ Australian jewelry designer Stefano Canturi to raise money for breast cancer.
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Good Housekeeping
Eton Line