Barcelona would indeed be a cool place to live or at least to visit. I almost won a cruise that left from there called the Coinsbank cruise which features many of the top cryptocurrency speakers such as the creator of Litecoin and also I didn’t end up winning though but would still like to travel there one day. We could meet up and have coffee! How is the coffee over there by the way 😊
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Well my friend, believe me if you come for a visit, we will enjoy more then just a coffee. I know some great catalan restaurants hidden from the touristic part of Barcelona. Sorry to hear you didn't get to win the cruise, but hey I am sure a next opportunity will come. The coffee here is good, kind of like in Italy I would say. Short and intense. But I like more the filtered one, less intense but more liquid! Thank god a Starbucks is just around the corner of the office ;-)
Have a great day buddy!