If I'd seen this article early Jay it would have been resteemed.
I always loved being barefoot as a child. My father would sing a song:
'Put your shoes on Lizzie. Don't you know you're in the city?
Put your shoes on Lizzie. You're a big girl now.'
It just struck me now that shoes are seen as a sign of growing up. And as children that's what we want more than anything. I did anyway.
In Oz we are lucky in that our 'beach culture' allows us to be barefoot for a good part of the year ~ At least at the beach.
I started barefooting when one of my sister's passed on. Instictively all I wanted to do was garden ~ And without shoes. Sometime after that all the 'good news' about barefooting caught on and I realized that barefooting had been part of my (much needed) grieving and healing process.
GREAT to see you back at Steemit Jay. Have really missed you. 🦋
Thank you for this lovely comment, Ally, and for the glimpses into your life that you've shared here - I can really 'see' them as I'm reading your words, and it's beautiful <3 I'm glad to BE back - I missed you, too! xx