Reformed Narc Teaches How to Pass a Drug Test...IT WORKED FOR HIM

in #barrycooper9 years ago (edited)

As a former drug agent, I know it is very easy to pass a drug test if you are prepared. This is how I did it. I have been arrested nine times, raided twice and went through every family court horror you can imagine. I never stopped smoking weed. I smoked every day including the night before the weekly pee tests. This is how I passed every time.

How to Pass a Urine Drug Test

Powdered Urine

There are many powdered synthetic urines available and while some may work some of the time it is not worth leaving this to chance. A much, much better option is to use 100% real, powdered human urine. Keep in mind that with this method, you must prepare and transport the powdered urine to the testing lab, where you then must covertly pour it into the collection cup given to you by the lab technician. In most cases you will not be observed while providing a urine sample for employment related urine tests.

How to Pass a Urine Drug Test

Urine drug testing is probably the most common, and if you are being drug tested by a potential employer during the interview and pre-job screening process you will most likely be given a urine test. The same tends to be true for companies that give random drug tests to current employees. However, if you are being drug tested due to an accident or injury that occurred at work it is unlikely that it will be a urine test.

Passing Urine Tests For Employment

If passing a urine test is a requirement of getting a job you have been offered, or if your current employer drug tests you randomly, your best option is to use real powdered urine. As long as you will not be observed while providing your urine sample this method will work very time.

Detox Drinks

You may not always have time to order and prepare powdered urine before you are required to take a drug test. In this case, the easiest and best method to pass the test is to go to the nearest head shop (smoke shop, pipe shop, novelty store) in the jurisdiction you are providing the sample and ask the clerk for the most powerful detoxifier everyone is using. Because of strict laws prohibiting the sale of systems that aid in passing a drug test, it’s important not to use words such as “drug test” or “probation” or “employment. If you use these words, it is likely the clerk will refuse to sell you the detoxifier because she suspects you are an undercover agent trying to sting the store.

Follow the directions EXACTLY as instructed in the packaging. To insure you purchased the correct detoxifier and are using it properly, always test yourself with a home drug testing kit before submitting a urine sample to the government or your employer.

Do Detox Drinks Really Work for Passing Drug Tests?

The short answer here is yes, they do. There are of course numerous variables including how long you have been smoking for, how much you smoke, how often the quality of the Detox Drink you used and many others- no method is fool proof though, but this is close.

Passing a Court Ordered Drug Test

While using powdered urines, simulated penises or another person’s urine will work for employment ordered drug tests, these choices will not work when giving samples to a court because these tend to be monitored. I never recommend using simulated penises. Court testers always watch the pee go in the cup so if the officer notices a fake penis, or balloon or anything unnatural, the citizen is immediately arrested and charged with “tampering” and the sample is considered dirty. Once the officer is certain he or she has collected a sample that came from your body, he or she will quickly pre-test the urine and if it’s clean, the urine is flushed and is not sent to a costly lab for further testing. If the pre-test is “dirty,” the sample is sent to a laboratory for more sophisticated testing. Depending on your legal situation, sometimes the cops will arrest you on the spot and sometimes they wait for the lab results which could take days. If used properly, the detoxifying drinks always trick the pre-test and often trick the labs. Just remember though, the only 100% sure fire way to pass a drug test is to not do drugs in the first place.

Some Final Notes on Passing Urine Tests

If the urine sample is being given for employment, ask around to learn if the testers watch the sample go into the cup. If they don’t, use powdered urine to easily pass the test. Many urine tests for employment purposes bypass the pre-testing and send the sample directly to the lab. In this case, and if time allows, I recommend total abstinence from any drug use unless you know you are not going to be watched…then it is safe to use powdered urines and is a much better option than using the detox drinks.

How to Pass Other Types of Drug Tests

While drug testing for urine tends to be the most popular, blood, saliva, hair follicle and even breath testing are not that uncommon at all. Information is always the best defense so be sure to read on.

How to Pass a Blood Drug Test
How to Pass a Blood Drug Test

Unlike a Urine Drug Test, your options for passing a Blood Drug Test are limited. Your only chance at successfully passing a blood drug test is by using a detoxifier before the drug test is administered. As I stated above, the best detoxifiers are high quality and as a result may cost more than you had hoped to spend. Think of it this way, a high quality, moderately priced detoxifying program is much better and cheaper than court and potential jail time for an unfair drug conviction. As with any detoxification program, make sure you read instructions and follow them exactly as they are stated. Don’t forget to call the friendly and helpful customer service reps if you have questions.

How to Pass a Saliva Drug Test

Saliva Drug Tests are less common than Urine & Blood tests, but if your employer wants one, you need to be prepared. I recommend using a mouthwash specially formulated for removing drug toxins. These mouthwashes are often available in a convenient, easy-to-stash size and work within minutes before a test. If you are able, I strongly advise in investing in a 6 panel Saliva Drug Test (these can be purchased online with mouthwashes). Using a Saliva Drug Test will help you detect whether or not there are traces of drugs in your saliva either before or after you use the mouthwash. Why not pop a few mints in your mouth before your saliva test? You’ll be minty and toxin-free.

How To Pass a Hair Follicle Drug Test

If a hair sample is required, you can purchase detoxifying shampoos from the same head shop. Again, follow the directions EXACTLY and you will pass. Bleaching your hair prior to the test will also cause you to pass. I know at least a dozen people who have passed hair tests by bleaching their hair and/or using the detoxifying shampoos. The idea is to “wash away” or compromise the trapped detectable toxins in your follicle.

How Long do Drugs Stay in Your System?

There are numerous variables that determine how long a drug will stay in your system including metabolism, hydration, body mass and frequency of drug use. Keep in mind that these numbers may vary from person to person.

Alcohol: 3 to 5 days in urine, around 12 hours in your blood, 1 to 5 days in saliva and up to 90 days in hair.

Amphetamines: 1 to 4 days in urine, around 12 hours in your blood, 1 to 5 days in saliva and up to 90 days in hair.

Benzodiazapines (Valium, Xanax, Klonopin…): 1 to 6 weeks in urine, 1 to 3 days hours in your blood, 1 to 10 days in saliva and up to 90 days in hair.

Cannabis: 2 to 90 days in urine, 2 days in your blood, 1 to 10 days in saliva and 90 to 120 days in hair.

Cocaine: 2 to 30 days in urine, 1 to 2 days in your blood, 1 to 10 days in saliva and up to 90 days in hair.

Codeine: 2 to 4 days in urine, 12 hours in your blood, 1 to 4 days in saliva and up to 90 days in hair.

Heroin: 2 to 4 days in urine, up to 12 hours in your blood, 1 to 4 days in saliva and up to 90 days in hair.

LSD: 1 to 3 days in urine, 3 hours in your blood, 1 to 2 days in saliva and up to 90 days in hair.

MDMA (ecstasy): 2 to 5 days in urine, 1 to 2 days in your blood, 1 to 5 days in saliva and up to 90 days in hair.

Methamphetamine (crystal meth): 1 to 6 days in urine, 1 to 3 days in your blood, 1 to 4 days in saliva and up to 90 days in hair.

Methadone: 3 to 12 days in urine, 24 to 36 hours in your blood, 1 to 10 days in saliva and up to 90 days in hair.

Morphine: 2 to 4 days in urine, 12 hours in your blood, 1 to 4 days in saliva and up to 90 days in hair.


Hi! I am a content-detection robot. This post is to help manual curators; I have NOT flagged you.
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never mind, great article helped me.
But i thought that is a plagiarsim... sorry for that mistake :)

Umm.... he "ripped" his OWN article from his OWN web site. In other words, he posted his own stuff in two places. And you want him to die for that?

silliness..i know right

yeah, its his article. original content.

@logli hey man it happens. very classy to reply back man.

bot just got $300 for finding an article that the author reposted from his own blog. some idiots then flagged it.

system's working! :)

You're my kinda cop Barry. An ex-cop!

Stick it to the man!! Imagine the censorship police on some other social media platforms who would piss themselves if they saw this post.

I am a good friend and fan of Barry's and love his heart and passion and the amazing knowledge he brings to the table. The movement of humans trying to free other humans from tyranny really needs him, and those like him!

Much Love and Respect, Barry!

Upvoted after panic moment where I thought had to drink urine based on pic alone. 😀 😀 😀 😀

I would be concerned for my health if my urine was that dark orange... somebody is in desperate need of H2O if that was...

Hey @barrycooper, have you heard of people drinking pickle juice to pass drug test?

While were on the topic of passing these test, What are some crazy and whacky methods you ever heard of... I know there has to be some ridiculous sounding ones.

Shoot, I might even make a video on how retarded some of the methods are.

Depending on your metabolism, what you eat, body fat, and how much exercise you get, not to mention, how often and how much you smoke. THC can be measured up to half a year in your urin.

  • That's coming from experience, after 2½ year in rehab, with weekly urine samples, on 20 different people. And from when I used to study the subject a lot.

Was a great article though, great information. And will be/have been helpful to a lot of people. - Keep up the good work man, it's appreciated! <3

  • On a sidenote, I used to use lemons. Not sure if it actually had an effect at all, but I was tested negative, on more than a dozen different days, sometimes with a couple of test in a row, because I was clearly high when taking the tests.

Thanks Barry. This is important information and I need to save this for friends. There is no reason any person should not be able to work based on anything other than their ability to perform the task at hand.

the crocodile dundee of marijuana has hared his knowledge with us!
You might need to read my Steem Island Adventure to understand why you have that title ;)
Awesome post, thank you for informing us and sharing your experience!

What has humanity come to, exchanging urine for a job or whatever else. These people are sick!

I bet the girl in the photo never thought she'd be labelled as drinking "pee" - LOL
let's hope it is her own...

Many years ago on two separate occasions I had need of the detoxifying drinks, and I'm happy to say they both worked quite well. They weren't cheap, $100 in 1998 dollars, but they did the trick. :)

Thank you for sharing this info... I haven't had to take a drug test for a job in a while but it sure is good to know.