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RE: Fox News Likened My Marijuana Legalization Advocacy to The World’s Largest Pro-Pedophilia Advocacy Group

in #barrycooper9 years ago

When is this from? The 90's? Just curious... Oh the propaganda machine of Faux news... And yeah, I was locked up for mushrooms in Fresno, CA and when they were budget cutting the sheriffs dept, they said they wouldn't let violent offenders out early, they did just that. A pedophile, a rapist, and an armed robber were first released (the robber re-offended within 24 hours) . Meanwhile a old guy who had a joint, and numerous other non-violent petty drug crime offenders were kept in custody. The 'justice' system is ridiculous and completely a sign of how far 'the land of the free' has fallen.


This aired in 2007 but a person can see the cable news channels using the exact same techniques today. Sorry about you having to go to jail. I feel you.