Many of your points seem to completely ignore the fact that bitcoin is open source software. Neither 'hacked' nor 'polluted' apply here. Bitcoin exchanges have been hacked but the bitcoin blockchain has never been hacked.
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I fully agree and stated the same in my post with this statement, " It's been hacked by the CIA. I don't mean a virtual hack of the block chain but they have it neutralized hence, hacked."
I think the only difference is you think Bitcoin cannot be polluted and I do. I love hearing diverse opinions. It helps me rethink things. Thanks for commenting. Peace and love!
lol just saying "its been hacked by the cia" is dishonest and reckless though. Because once the reader reads that, the rest of the sentence fades away into the distance, and you know that. That's your goal here. To get people to read the first sentence and let the rest fade away.
That's not what he said not hacked but "controlled" by the government .. I think he has a point.
So then why isnt the first sentence "Bitcoin is now controlled by the government" hell it could have always been controlled by the government, but controlled by the government is far less click bait than "bitcoin has been hacked!".
Hmm... maybe the title is suggestive ;-) but it's all about his message, that's how I see it.
I'm into Bitcoin too, sure, but I'll take a warning. Interesting coming from another point of view, especially with his experience.
It is no longer decentralized when we give the power to Exchanges and depend on them. (or Government Corporations) They watch our every move. Can we really trust them? Just lost a lot on Bitfinex... just saying. Bitcoin should be used by people, and kept in the hands ((paper)) wallets) of People not on Exchanges.