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RE: Former Narc Turned Humanitarian - A Life Series by Barry Cooper - Part 1: (My new Steemit tattoo and the intimate details of my heavily inked body)

in #barrycooperstory8 years ago (edited)

oh, and Barry, as far as the elsewhere is concerned...
Check out neurosurgeon Eban (not Evan) Alexander.
Here's an interview with him, no video, just audio.

His book called "Proof of Heaven" about his experience while being BRAIN DEAD for a week.
Had an infection that deactivated his cortex, put his in a coma for a week.
He spent what seemed like several months, with total amnesia, in a place of ultimate love and healing power. Said tonal music emanated from a choir of angelic spheres that flew by overhead, and the sounds they made left trails of golden glitter that rained down over the entire scene.
Then he saw his son's face, and knew it meant something, but didn't know who the face belonged to. Later he returned, and spent several weeks in the hospital recovering. Memory of who he was slowly came back, and his ability to speak slowly returned. At that point he had almost total recall of the journey.
A memory of what had happened while his body lay comatose with aboslutely NO brain activity whatsoever.
As a neurosurgeon, this proved to him and his colleges something was fully not understood. Seriously. Like where consciousness comes from. Certainly NOT the hardware in our skulls.
Our neural network acts like an antenna. Not merely a central processor unit, its an antenna.
He knows this now. As fact.