So far, no one could tell me two things about UBI:
There are jobs, nobody will do voluntarily. And this should better not change. If you leave bureaucratic jobs to people that actually LIKE to pester others by imposing their schemes on them... oops.
Likewise with tasks relating to law&order. Do you really want to filter out all those who the jobs without being particularly fond of it? That will leave some of the most il-mooded people - if anybody - to the task.
The other topic is migration. People from all over the world will be keen to live in such a system. Migration pressure on such a country would be immense. Either you completely and rigorously lock down the borders or you accept illegal immigration and just do not give them the UBI. Which by definition means that there is no UBI.
Jobs: You make the basic wrong assumption that under UBI nobody would work for money. But that is not true. Most would still do it. The only thing that will change are the amounts you get for some jobs. Maybe cleaning will be a high paid job (so most people decide to do it themselves).
And why do you think
?? It will acutally be the the other way round, people are way more likely to do what they want, and there are a lot of people who want to do police or doctor not because of money but because they want to help.
Also dont forget that a huge part of crime has its roots in poverty. UBI will decrease that dramatically.