Yup, that's another way to do it like RBE. Money is just easier to facilitate exchanges, but an ID card would also apply. I see issues of restriction and control, but I've though about it as well.
My initial idea a few years ago for a better future was based without automation, and how we maximize our free time if we work together to get the basics down for everyone: cooperative 1h/week farm work, water work, shelter work, or other work, collectively producing abundance, and leaving the rest of the time each week to go pursue any other higher goals than survival. The laziness factor was always something bothersome, which I resolved through social pressure, tension, conflict, shunning, ostracism and expulsion from the community if a free loader keeps being a free loader.
One thing is for sure, whatever direction we go in, we need to be on the same page. Something Steemit is showing it lacks, and needs to develop. I am all for Ned and Dan, and Steemit Inc keeping their SP holdings for years to come to prevent a chaotic, false anarchistic, democratic, free for all mob rule, if they lose control of leading Steemit in a direction. Imagine if there was no founders or leaders, Steemit would be forking left and right with people pulling & pushing in different directions. It would collapse in short time. Steemit is an experiment, and I'm glad to have the founders leading the direction for where we go. They have the vision, they created the platform. Other people don't get their vision, and want to go in another direction, taking Steemit along with them...
It's a tough exercise for me. The idea of creating an environment where everyone is provided for is appealing to me for many obvious reasons. For one, it would free people to pursue methods of production without the pressure of making sure that production puts food on the table. But it also negates the poverty that results in death and disease, which is really something that would be nice to resolve. As long as warmongers pull the string, this concept likely won't be realized except maybe in a coercive fashion.
OTOH, a worker is worthy of his wages. Folks that excel should enjoy the fruit of their labor. Those who don't or are sloths, shouldn't ride on their coattails without their blessing.
Ideally, this could manifest without rulers. Relying on the benevolence of those with the most power always leads to tyranny, eventually. But even anarchy needs boundaries.