Basic Income for Everyone !!

in #basic7 years ago

I vote for a Basic Monthly Income for everyone !!

I think anybody who has come to this earth to share a lifetime with all the other persons on this spaceship earth have the right to have a Basic Monthly Income...just because you exist here and now and it s my opinion nobody has to struggle for a living. There is enough money on this spaceship earth to provide a descent life for everyone.
People can also work in this scenario so that they can earn a lit more and others don't have to work because there are not enough jobs for everyone anyway....
Everybody should have the right to own 1 home for free...just because you exist.
And like the Native Indians can not be owned!

It's time to redistribute all the money to the people and not be gready so we all have the same share to sustain a less worried living. Only then we will have a more peacefull planet where people can connect again and work together instead of against each other.

Do you have the same kind of vision
and do we have to create it now?

Please Reply with I VOTE YES



I certainly vote yes.