Tales from the Crypto Keeper: Item #001

in #basicattentiontoken8 years ago (edited)

This week in cryptosphere is just ridiculous. We are seeing crazy highs, BTC dominance going down (45% - what the shit), Russia officially rejecting it as a currency... The alt coins are crazy peaking, some things were up, now they're down and vice versa. And amidst all that, we have The Economist calling crypto a healthy bubble so hold on to yer tits because this shit is going mainstream.

But let's start with a few things in my cryptosphere:

  • My Coinbase limit is upped mofos! Hear me whale~
  • Ethereum hit $300 CAD, officially making it 1/10th of a bitcoin! It will surely hit $300 USD this week.
  • BasicAttentionToken ICO came and went and basically none of us got in on time haha. But some of us 🙌 just politely asked for a handout and got one. Hahaha, thanks for the 10 BAT!@#
  • I finally got into the Genesis Mining thang, with a promo code used to upgrade my hash power right away! USE MINE!@ -> 61Qx0o
  • I got my** first few followers on Steemit, which I am starting to really love as a platform! Thanks you guys!@#**

Back in the green, almost breaking even on those losses!

So my last post, I think I mentioned a few coins that were losing me money and I was getting kinda pissed off... But! This is the name of the game: everything changes, every day.


I got so excited about it. HARD. With a +$500 loss when I bought those 300k coins at the ATH... let's say my excitement was dwindling. But you know, that was my mistake, and now I know: watch the market, look at the history, understand the factors of the bull runs. And if you don't understand why it's so high... maybe it's a good time to sit back and watch the curve for a day or two. My biggest lesson learned here: surveillance is key.
In the end, this coin is almost back up to where I spent the most on it, so I'll be breaking even when it's back up to where it was in the week before the crypto blood bath. Hopefully that is soon...


Well, it's been a shit ass rocky road, but this is starting to look good. Finally, so close to breaking even on this next mistake. I bought this coin at the same time I bought ReddCoin, I was feeling pretty good about the market, I did NOT see this huge disaster coming and a few days later, I was just bleeding $$$ out of my cryptopores. But I work at Ubisoft. Fuck if I don't believe in gaming coins, especially VR ones! Faith upgraded, next stop: moon.


Once again, bought at the wrong time... But this is actually in the green for me now. Not a whole lot, but at least it's not losing me money, which puts it in the WIN category for now! I know @jerrybanfield has suggested the peak happened already, but... I don't know, I'm still hodling out for a new ATH. If there's one thing this week has taught me is: don't be so quick to pass judgement on your investments. Which brings me to the next one...

Ripple is gone, transferred to ETH

I did this in the hopes that I would eventually re-sell my ETH at an ATH, and re-invest in XRP when it was low. This was a still good move for me, but I am definitely keeping an eye on XRP's curve. And moving onto Ethereum, which is probably +50% of my portfolio, it has been REAL good to me this week. I cannot even express how happy I am with the healthy gains it is making, and the amazing news and interest it's generating.

Back into Litecoin, with profits?!

I liked LTC to begin with, I just was silly and bought it so high, I ended up trading it in for XRP a while ago and re-couped my losses. Now it's back down, it looks like it's at a healthy and stable price, so I'm stockni gup again. I actually made an LTC transaction to save on USD exchange rate to my country's shitcoin, the Canadian Dollar and bought me some hashpower. WIN!

And some newcomers to the portfolio...

Stratis... oh my Stratis

I just added Stratis to my portfolio last night and I wish I had done it the day before, on advice from a FB group I am a part of, but I am glad I got in.... because HELLO 28.38% increase in less than 12 hours. If this stuff goes down again, you can bet I am putting a few eggs in that basket. Stratis is being rumored to be the next super coin for Ethereum, enabling companies to easily set up their very own blockchains on the ETH network (if I understood that right?)


Okay. This is like, my favorite coin ever. Anyone who knows me knows I love the fuck out of JavaScript. The man who invetend JavaScript launched this ICO. This is the same man who launched Firefox. So like, need I say more? Well, okay, I will. This, in hand with the Brave browser, will enable companies to pay you for agreeing to see their shitty invasive ads! Hur-fucking-rah!

All in all, this is a GREAT WEEK. Enjoy it!!

Now, I gotta go prepare for the mother of all garage sales, so much love, and have a happy friday!@#



Nice portfolio! ;) Crazy days!
I got myself: DASH, LSK, LTC, MAID, STRAT for the mid-long run
and some SC, DGB, BLITZ and ETC to wachout through the week

I'm really curious about LSK and SC, too! Lemme know how those work out for you! I added Rise and Shift to the stack tonight, too... I like the idea of IPFS because internet dork :>

I really liked this article that I saw on the blog of SiaCoin

The short term is not paying yet, but i will hold a little longer.
IPFS is bold! I didn't know it. Thanks! https://blog.sia.tech/the-sia-ethos-48f72f1cf382