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RE: Universal Basic Income is Communism 2.0

in #basicincome7 years ago

yea i heard about Gemeinwohlökonomie, i even have met with them :) I love very much the idea of a common good based economy. What is currently lacking is, that they have the problem, that they cannot compete to other participants that are not enforcing a common good balance. What is needed is either an financial incentive to be able to compete, or mass awakening of consumers that still choose the more expensive product if it is good for the common good.

To consumer tax: I prefer it above work tax, but it has some problems that come with it.
First we are not in an island in Europe, so all countries would need similar consumer tax.
Second, it hits the poor more, so it must be combined with some kind of compensation.
Third, ideally i don't want the sate to be involved if i exchange a product or work with somebody.
So i would recommend to first step by step abolish work taxes.
Next i would reduce or totally abolish consumer tax for participants of a common good economy.


great, that you already heard of it. I rarely meet people who actually did or even meet someone.

I stumbled over the sentence that you don't want to have the state involved. I always like to think of the "state" as "me", too resp. the people who represent my will. I am not separated from the state and all state affairs also have to do something with me. That is why it was strange to read that you don't want to have it involved. :-) I hope you get my idea.

Nice Friday for you.

Its just, most states are currently in such a mess, so better step out of it and design something new from bottom on instead of being busy in fighting in the mess. With the new technologies we have the chance for change without being stuck in all the old mess. The old mess later can and will adapt.

Most people are prisoners in their believe system and think only in their known frame. What could the state do? But they fully oversee their own power. As long as you yourself are part of the mess, you never will be able to chance the mess. So first is to step out of the mess and chance your individual choices. In the end state is nothing else then a sum of all individual choices. So dont wait for the state to change, first chance yourself and work together with similar minded people.

Nice Friday for you too!