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RE: Universal Basic Income is Communism 2.0

in #basicincome7 years ago (edited)

a new economic system should balance itself out, so that mainly work and good ideas accumulates wealth, not wealth alone accumulates more wealth.

For that my suggestion would be the following:
1: Give people the choice to work for the common good for a basic salary, locally organized in communities.
This work can be limited to part time work.

This would guarantee fair access to money and would make the need of a minimum salary unneeded.

2: Move from fractional reserve banking and heavy inflation to a zero reserve banking system with zero or at max 1% price inflation.

With zero price inflation, people could easily store their money for the future without big complication. Also prices and salary would be stable and easy comparable. Abolishing the fractional reserve system wold allow to use the newly generated money directly, see 3.

3: Use the newly generated money to buy land and stocks. Then rent out these stocks and land. With the rent reduce step by step all taxes except taxes on monopolies / ownership of land and taxes on stuff you dont want to have much like drugs, pollution, ugly buildings. Some part of the rent can be used to buy again more land and stocks.

All above could be directly implemented with existing currencies / nations and / or the new bitcoin technology could be used to implement new currencies.

4: As governing structure i would suggest to use the good of both systems from the Greek antique:
True direct Athenian style democracy with using lots / this guarantees fair chance for everybody with a minimum of cost.
Combined with Spartanian like Oligarchy, which guarantees excellence stability and long term planing.
The oligarchy be based on excellence not on birth right. For people that served the common good with their life and their wealth.

5: If voting is done, it should allow also negative votes (for example 2 pro and one con vote), so that leaders and legislation is chosen that most people agree on. With negative voting allowed, people would more look for consensus and not so much for polarization like now, where everything is in constant conflict between left and right wing .


Maybe I differ in some points, which is normal, because we do not all think the same, but in general I agree.