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RE: The Fallacy of the Luddite Fallacy

The percentage of how many jobs will be taken over by robots is way too low in my opinion.

Just look at bitcoin. If it is ever widely adopted, the entire commercial banking industry will be gone. All of those BofAs at every corner will be empty.

And super-bitcoin, the thing that replaces bitcoin will replace the entire financial sector. There won't be anyone left in the industry except for people to maintain servers and people to help those who can't work their smart phones well.

Entire swaths of govern-cement could be automated. And for a large part they are. They are just there to make sure all the forms get filled out properly. That's what a computer is for.

I feel that mortgages need to be banned. We have paid for all of our houses at least 3x over. Its long passed time to put paid to that mess. And with houses paid off, then the rest of the expenses are really quite small. In fact, if you garden for most of your vegetables, the actual money to live is minuscule.

BTW a 3D printers is really bad for making shower curtains. A specialized molding tool is 100x better and faster than a multi-purpose molding tool. So, it comes down to a trade off in storage and shipping vs custom design and here as soon as I make it.