wow, that is a pretty good plan, i'll have to save that, quite progressive. yes I think a land-value tax would be a way to address unearned income, I've become advocate to reform taxation to address that through the work of Michael Hudson. Seigniorage reform sounds great too, dealing with the messed up Fed system. And let's not forget a reduction in military spending too! If only we could snap our fingers (-:
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there will never be any reduction in military spending... the US poured 12-15 billion in AI weaponry last november. Last year pentagon admitted that it could not track 6.5 trillion in war budget.
UBI sounds all nice on paper but the theory does not deal with the Reality of the Matrix
Nations and their leaders are the result of the quality of the consciousness of their citizens. The most immediate improvement will be to downsize the amount of fear that is being blanketed over the population that is being provided or manufactured by the deep state in the US. That will also include erasing never from the vocabulary. It can be done because it is necessary. It requires more people turning on their light which effects everyone else. One person can illumine all of those around her, the effect of one person is greater than numbers would indicate.
exactly what I say in my 2 latest blogs by the way but it is social engineered, and as we speak many want to be in a state of servitude by design, so we have a monster issue to detangle.... but being chipped to get UBI will be mandatory. More than ever, the clock is ticking and the choice is upon humanity.
my blog (a sample)
The Merging Of Science And Spirituality Series: Let's Talk Of Our Millennia Old and Generational PTSD
The Merging Of Science And Spirituality Series: Corporations Are Holographic Projections