The United States has a lot of land and natural resources which can be auctioned. A land value tax, and nature resources like oil, can be used to produce a basic income for Americans. The United States also has a lot of intellectual property for people who believe in that. It works for Saudi Arabia in the form of a Sovereign Wealth Fund. It works for Alaska as the Alaska Permanent Fund.
Libertarians in my opinion are making a critical error by ceding basic income to socialists. The result will be a rise of socialism sooner or later as it will only be socialists offering any solution at all while libertarians tell truck drivers to accept imminent death by poverty? It seems not wise if you're libertarian and work in AI to not get behind some form of basic income even if it's a libertarian version. Who will those truck drivers eventually blame? I mean right now it might be immigrants but eventually who is going to be blamed for this?
The Alaska Permanent Fund runs like a corporation, it gets profit from oil resources not taxes. It takes those profits and invests in stocks and real assets. Saudi Arabia has a Sovereign Wealth Fund which does something similar and their citizens don't have taxes (or they are very very low). If it can work for Saudi Arabia why can't it work for the USA?
I go even further, libertarians screaming "socialism" all the time missed the point. We have to redistribute somehow, because the current system is screwed to the bones. Only then a liberal society of free individuals is possible.
Don't believe that distribution is the problem? 1/3 of all US corporate wealth is in the hands of Apple, Microsoft, Google, Cisco and 2 or 3 others. One sixth of the earth’s non ocean surface belongs to the Queen of England!
Marx predicted states to automatically dissolve in the final phase. Imo that'd result exactly in what libertarians want, only that they also want to skip the path to get there. But fighting small changes doesn't help with reaching the bigger goal.