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RE: Grand Unified Political Theory - Anarchy, Libertarianism, Capitalism, and Socialism

in #basicincome8 years ago

Super-abundance helps to solve this problem.

A fifty-year old wealthy man still wants to cum in a beautiful teenage girl's body, and eat the best food, even though he can no longer produce competitively. How do free markets solve this problem? What the young alpha made when he was young was induced by the incentive to have pleasure and comfort as an older man, or as an ugly man.

Money and fungible wealth is necessary, but unearned money and fungible wealth is a drain on the system.

This makes me agree with your opposition to the oligarchs and banksters, but disagree with your opposition to profit. If systems were only based on profit, there would already be Drexlerian "radical abundance" and Freitas's "tangible nanomoney" (google it).