This is a binary or "all-or-nothing" backlash against a position that is "statistically relevant." Earning power combined with decision-making power is highly sought, both by bad people and good. A good person has to be more skilled than a bad person to seek and win positions in government and industry, because bad people also have access to highly-effective "immoral strategies." This would be enough to make "good women" crave "bad men(sociopaths)," strengthening statistical distributions of "the warrior gene" (sociopath genetics) as "selfish genes." (Ignore the term "selfish genes" if you have not read Dawkins' book "The Selfish Gene," because you will almost certainly misinterpret the use of the term "selfish," if so.)
Cybernetic systems are a subset of evolutionary systems, and vice-versa. (One can emerge from the other, as dumb-molecules very slowly gave rise to colonies of bacteria, then colonies of insects, then more advanced brains and brain modules, and eventually the most advanced land-mammal brains gave rise to evolved software run at THz speeds.)
A statistically large number of women won't stay with a man who doesn't rape them. Few women, as a percentage of the whole number, want a man they can physically overpower. But millions do want such a man. This simply means that a smart weak man who wants a woman who can overpower him can find such a woman --but he has to exert more effort to do so. Also, he runs a greater risk of being tricked by a woman who does not share his goals.
Evolution saddled us with our current genetic situation. Those who fight(disbelieve) genetics are likely to lose. This is why voluntaryism should readily accept "pro-social" sociopaths (like Gary Johnson, etc.) into the fold, so long as they do not behave as sociopaths, and are watched closely for external corruption.
In short, there are no "universal" sexual desires, but to statistically profile "what there is a market for" need only deal with "large enough percentages to matter."
A huge percentage of women desire a man who is "more than adequate" to provide for her young. How much "more than adequate"? That estimate requires difficult calculation, so the female instead relies on reliable "signals" as a decision-making heuristic. This reliance on signals is not a conscious choice, it's evolutionarily selected for and built into sexual attraction.
If it were not, females would be physically superior to men, would dominate decision-making positions, and would be opened up to slaughter by competitors during pregnancy.
This is a consequence of 50,000,000 years of human evolution; of selection under "might makes right" tribal precursors to civilization.
What you're arguing over is whether 30% of women want an "alpha male" or whether 60% or even 90% want an alpha male. ...And how many of the percentage who secretly want an alpha male will settle for something less, or for a beta who knows when to pretend to be an alpha (in the bedroom!) so that evolutionarily-selected-for sexual preference "signals" can be satisfied or "tricked."
The latter seems to work just fine, and is easily incorporated into evolution's paradigm.