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RE: Grand Unified Political Theory - Anarchy, Libertarianism, Capitalism, and Socialism

in #basicincome8 years ago

...and the reason behind men wanting power, and women wanting men with power, is women and men wanting the ability to be one of the few who are financially able to pack up and move when a flood is predicted, and women wanting the ability to provide optimally for several children, and men wanting the ability to mate with an unlimited number of teenage girls, and gay men wanting the ability to mate with an unlimted number of teenage boys(I assume it's the same or similar to straight men), etc...

...and this doesn't even go into the huge, immense, enormous differences between sociopaths and empaths. Alpha sociopaths who are aware of cybernetics and seek political power are the most dangerous people on the planet. They print the money, they hack the crypto-currencies, they buy the intelligence necessary to win every conflict in the ongoing war for dominion.

Only a few libertarians/voluntaryist minarchists even have the right ideas necessary to fight them, but they lack the resources.

...And it is a "fight," it's not "an education." There is an enemy, and everything you do to improve things, that enemy will attempt to undo. That's why you need to be smarter strategist than the enemy, you do not simply need to "possess immense education resources."

I suggest it's 40 years too late for libertarians to persist in having a naive attitude toward politics.

What should we do? We should fight for the ideals outlined in the 1994 LP platform. We should wage political war, intelligently and effectively. ...Or we should get very good at being slaves, and saying "Would you like my first-born daughter with that order of filet mignon, sir?"

When you realize that that's how high the stakes are(no pun intended!), it should motivate libertarians to win.

But it doesn't. How do I know this? Because, with more than enough resources to win spent every 4 years, the Libertarian Party continues to be a wholly-controlled-arm of one or two FBI infiltrators.

I was completely alone in the LP as a person who actualy wanted freedom. Most people who want freedom are "anarchists" who have left the LP, rather than try to correct it. ...But leaving politics simply leaves them even weaker than they were within a political structure.

Blackwell found "the strategic truth" even though he wasn't as good at philosophy. Here it is: