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RE: Universal Basic Income as Compensation for the Creation and Defense of Private Property Rights

in #basicincome8 years ago

I couldn't disagree more. A car dealership selling stolen cars is aiding and abetting the car thieves. Even if they claim to have the lowest price in town enabling people who otherwise couldn't afford a car to buy one, they are still distributing property taken from others illegally, without their consent. Redistributing the proceeds of a crime is criminal.


It's not aiding and abetting the original crime. Removing the proceeds of crime from people is a disincentive to commit that particular crime. If someone goes around and steals the car stereos from everyone in a suburb, and then we take those stereos and give them back to the people, that's clearly not aiding and abetting the stealing of car stereos. And it's clearly a more just action than the original theft.

The original crime in the case of your UBI plan is property ownership. Owning things, that is the original crime. And your plan is to steal what people own and give it to other people and call it "just." I get it.

Return the stolen loot back to the victim, instead of patting them on the back and asking for more..