I'm better with the written word myself. There's much I'd like to address here when given the moment. With my basis that I don't prescribe to materialist outlook of evolution being the prime factor in our behaviour. I would call it evolutionary dogma. Regarding the sex instinct, coincidentally, I am in the process of writing a post which includes some points about the fallacy in evolutionary/'man as animal' reductions. I will cross post the relevant paragraphs here. Your comments have inspired some further insights thank you.
We can't be truly sovereign individuals if our impulses, civilizations, relationships and everything about us is a totality of the primitive aspects of evolution.
Your comments on the sociopath I agree with (some machiavellianism shoudnt be shunned) though I dont agree with the construct itself. In some ways it is a prejudice against masculinity. Pathologizing behaviours in some instances is non-humanistic. I wrote a post about psychopathy I think you'd agree with: