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RE: The Potential Effects of Universal Basic Income on Student Debt

in #basicincome8 years ago

Your answer is "Get a job?" That's the problem. There aren't enough jobs for everyone to work 40 hours per week, especially when we take into account geographical mobility requirements and limitations, and the jobs that are available largely require degrees. Those without college degrees are finding it harder and harder to earn a living, as those with degrees fill jobs they are overqualified for.

Additionally, many jobs require experience that can only be earned through unpaid internships as their starting point. Not everyone has the luxury of working for free, so those from higher income families tend to be the ones far more able to do that, and thus get their first foot on the job ladder.

Your recommendation is a 20th century recommendation. It doesn't work that way anymore. You can't just walk to Main Street USA, find a sign that says "Help Wanted", walk on in, say you want the job, and be told to show up the next day for work.


So get 2 part time jobs, or three.