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RE: Universal Basic Income is Communism 2.0

in #basicincome7 years ago

Milton Friedman was not a communist.

Friedrich Hayek was not a communist.

Alaska is not a communist state full of communists.

UBI is money to use in free markets, provided in a way that reduces the size of government and the ability of government bureaucrats to restrict and control choice.

I suggest looking into the idea more, to better understand it, its wide support across the political spectrum, and why those who support it do support it.


Obviously avoiding the title, in the publication I did not say that the universal basic income was communist, but that it explains its economic impossibility, and then I raise two utopian societies (socialism and communism) in which it could be put into practice without the inflationary problems, but finally other problems would arise.

It would be a fallacy to say that everything the Soviet Union does is socialist simply because it is the Soviet Union, it would also be a fallacy to say that because Friedman and Hayek affer something, then this idea is capitalist.

I take a look at your publication in Medium, and also to the data that you give, however, it does not seem to clarify much, and I contradict many of the statements you make there, I don't mean to discredit you of course, but the issue of universal basic income It's something I've studied a lot, and if you think my argument is wrong, I would suggest that you show them to me so that I can clarify them, or finally, give in, all depending on the information.

By the way, the Alaska system, which is based on its territorial wealth, can only be applied in very few places and countries, because its entire structure is based on an industry that completely maintains the State. The oil industry makes Alaska a monoproductive state that needs to export oil to import almost everything else, and that can distribute the money among its population only for them to use it to buy goods and services produced in other states, since the UBI increases the cost of all products made locally. One of the articles that you quote, says it for me:

Anyone with a basic income can potentially refuse to work for $7 per hour. Those same people, however, could agree to do that exact same job at some higher wage.

If the Alaska system is applied at the federal level. The entire system collapses.

If you can solve the problems of the UBI that I planted in the post, I will be willing to listen to you. Regards and thanks for commenting.