
Your mention of cryptocurrencies reminds me of Grantcoin, which is, as you suggested, a cryptocurrency designed for use as a universal basic income.

I signed up for it and recieved my first grant in July. Unfortunately, at this point there aren't many exchanges that accept it and even though the grant was 1000 coins, the value of them was only a dollar (U.S.) or so.

None the less, it seems to be growing, as it seems the idea of UBI seems to be going traction so I expect, in time, it will because more valuable.

Anyone interested in looking into it can go here:

And if you use this referral code:


We both get a bonus on the next grant, which I believe just changed from a quarterly payout to monthly.

Edit: Spelling

Yeah, I've received each of the Grantcoin payouts so far, and am looking forward to seeing how the relaunch as Manna goes.

Latest update:

I'll check this out.

As I see, the signup process is complicated and they collect personal information like a postal address and phone number.

How else would they prevent multiple sign ups?

If personal information is collected, the denial of payment can always be used as a weapon of control. Preventing multiple sign ups should be the responsibility of the people tasked with running the program, and not the responsibility of the poor to be used to extort them into being controlled. Given a choice, I'd rather everyone be dirt poor, than controlled by a centralized carrot and stick. Luckily, we have many options other than these.

Um, if the blockchain can be co-opted for the purpose of control, then I don't see what difference the ID makes. Are you seriously suggesting that anyone that has you phone number and address holds some sort of power over you?

Any attempt to use it as a means of coercion (by whom? the witnesses?) would be transparent in the ledger. Since its whole reason for existing is to provide UBI, breech of that would mean the currency becoming worthless as its unique selling point would be proven to be fraudulent.

When you say we have many other options to providing UBI, it would be interesting to hear what you think these are.

As for prefering everyone be dirt poor, I think a mass population of dirt poor is more easilly coerced than a population with UBI. Dirt poor eat what they are given and sleep where they can. A population with UBI has economic agency to buy what they want.

Are you seriously suggesting that anyone that has your phone number and address doesn't have the information necessary to hold some sort of power over you?

The main reason I use Steemit is the anonymity.

I'm suggesting the only power they have over me is the power to contact me or send me things in the post. Do you worry about the pizza delivery guy having your address and phonenumber? Or the taxi you ordered? Your friends you invited over for a party?

Maybe it's really necessary, it's rather about the level of trust you have towards this service.

This article has so many great arguments and is very well-reasoned. I think we have been so conditioned that the idea of money just being given to us as a birthright seems so foreign. People have an immediate reaction that it is somehow wrong or rewarding lazy people. It's kind of like the same reaction people have when you tell them fiat will soon be nearly worthless, they can't believe it... interesting. Upvote / Resteem. Great points and we need to continue to be open to have such discussions and create a world where people are born with endowments instead of debts! Peace

Wow, dude. This is a pretty incredible post. I particularly like this:

It's your return on investment for the tax dollars invested in technological R&D and thus the technology unemploying you.

I regret that I have but one upvote to give... Anyway, I'm following you now.

Thank you. I recommend reading this article to go a bit deeper into that reasoning. I think it's a really important one.

There’s a useful high-tech concept called the Technology Readiness Level that helps explain why Uber pounced when it did. NASA came up with this scale to gauge the maturity of a given field of applied science. At Level 1, an area of scientific inquiry is so new that nobody understands its basic principles. At Level 9, the related technology is so mature it’s ready to be used in commercial products. ‘‘Basically, 1 is like Newton figuring out the laws of gravity, and 9 is you’ve been launching rockets into space, constantly and reliably,’’ says Jeff Legault, the director of strategic business development at the National Robotics Engineering Center.

Today’s early-stage inquiry — so-called basic research, the Level 1 work, where scientists are still puzzling over fundamental questions — is financed almost exclusively by the federal government. It’s too far out, too speculative, to attract much investment; it isn’t clear if anyone will make any money on it. This wasn’t always the case. Decades ago, corporations were more willing to engage in Level 1, moonshot research. Bell Labs supported the work that led to the transistor when it was far from clear that there would be a market for it; Xerox supported research into the ‘‘windows’’ style of computing years before the market existed for such an interface. But in the last few decades, the vista of corporate R.& D. has shrunk as markets and executives have focused more on short-term profit, says Marc Kastner, an M.I.T. physicist. The far-off research questions have been left to university labs, though they struggle, too: The percentage of the federal budget devoted to basic research is about half of what it was in 1968.

These days, private industry gets involved mostly when a field of research has matured to the midpoint of the NASA scale. In the ’90s and early ’00s this happened to ‘‘machine learning,’’ the science of getting machines to recognize patterns. It had long been an academic concern. But once online firms like Google began grappling with ‘‘big data’’ — search-engine requests, social-network behavior, email — the field became suddenly lucrative, and Silicon Valley started frantically hiring experts away from Stanford.

I think the fact tax dollars are paying for all Level 1 research makes a pretty clear case tax payers should see an ROI.

Thank you! This is the first article about ubi which answered all my questions.

I was just talking to my friend today about this very issue. Great read!

click here!This post received a 2% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @scottsantens! For more information,

I like the idea but its definitely DEFINITELY wrong approach, u r putting too much power into government hands, u r contradicting yr self, one time u say government don't know what best, then u state that government to help ppl.

If government gives u money, they control u even more, may one one day they will come and say "hey, we have no more!!"

The problem with government is there is no transparency, Alaska example is very poor, they give ppl money, less taxes, etc... because they don't want them to leave, not to support them, Senior citizen is also a very poor example, these senior citizen we're paying all the life to Social security so they take this money in their retirement, Its their money, not government money

Government having control is socialism, there should be other way to make ppl earn a stable income even without working but it HAVE TO BE Independent from government

Give a man a fish "government", u feed him for a day, teach man to fish "independent from government" , u feed him for life!!!

Why can't these people just give to charity like normal decent people? Instead of demanding the government 'do something'? lol
If the question begins: "Should the government...?" Just say NO!

Very good ..thnks you @ scottsantens

It didn't to Milton Friedman or Friedrich Hayek, both of whom supported the idea of basic income, and both of whom can be considered fathers of free market economics. Hayek was even from the Austrian school. If you are confused why free market economists could like the idea of basic income, that's because you probably don't actually know what basic income is.

okay, Hayek and Friedman knew that capitalism was fraudulent due to multi-levels of collusion and that the system was unsustainable because of that, and that some kind of UBI would be necessary. Hayek and friedman have lied their all life to their supporters, and the academia by the same token. Ayn Rand too was a total deception in that sense

They were NOT in favor of it but aware that free markets only work on paper, and so is UBI. Quantum computers will soon make any monetary system UNworkable.

Only the love of money and hoarding (for the rich) it leads to the conclusion that UBI (for the poor) is necessary. But since they are both lies/illusions, UBI... is same.

I have written about economics for almost 18 years, and 4 years ago I finally saw the light. Money enslaves and forever will.

This post has received a 2.02 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @scottsantens.

You are really wonderful continued
Always in her creativity

Interesting. I've already been thinking about UBI a bit lately, not totally convinced on all the details, but generally leaning in a favorable direction. This gave me a lot more to think about. I have to admit I did picture it as creating a "Permanent Indolent Class" that society pays to exist because we have no other use for them now. That was a bit worrying. And someone else explained that we'll need to pay these people to keep them from rioting. I am hoping that is not one of the actual motivations.

Not sure how I feel about our universal right to the land. Part of me feels that way already, that nature belongs to everyone. Part of me wants to own a big chunk of land to make sure I am never without the freedom to roam around on my own terms. Part of me remembers my father saying, "Don't give any time to people who believe the world owes them a living!"

tldr; Make $7k a month playing video games at home!

Also known as "negative income tax" by Milton Friedman. He envisioned this as part of an approach to reduce the size and inefficiency of government. You get your basic income but out of which you have to pay for services commonly supplied by the government such as education and healthcare, as well of course welfare support itself.

"Freedom to choose" summed up his philosophy and so did his idea of negative income tax.

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Man this post is fire! I'm going to send it to all of my family and friends.

@tippy vote

You can take me, but you cannot take my bunghole.... For I have no bunghole....