SBI - Member Upvotes Drive Sustainability

Steem Basic Income

Steem Basic Income is a social experiment to bring a basic income to as many Steemians as possible. Members join by sponsoring others into the program. Steem Basic Income is delivered through providing regular upvotes to member content.

Some of our members have started using the #steembasicincome tag for their contests, so check there for contests that we might not have resteemed!

Support from Members

img source: you all for your support! The upvotes that we receive from our members are an essential component to keep delivering a sustainable basic income! We can also see some of the upvotes from fixed return services like @lays and @smartmarket that we use to boost our long-term sustainability.

All members that upvote consistently are rewarded with a bonus increase in their voting weight. To get the best benefit, we recommend using @steemvoter or @steemauto.

You've seen that chart of upvotes received, but how does that drive sustainability? Here are our SP rewards received over the last 28 days:

With the trend somewhat flat over the last month (even with rapid membership growth), we've had to return to the delegation markets to maintain our target ratios. In spite of that, we still have extra SP that we can power up. If we didn't have the rewards shown on this chart, we would be relying much more heavily on leased delegation. Instead, we can invest in long-term sustainability!

Steem Basic Income Enrollment

If you want to join Steem Basic Income... Send 1 STEEM to @steembasicincome. Include in the comments the name of a Steemian that you would like to sponsor. You and the person you sponsor will each receive 1 share in the program and receive regular Upvotes on your posts.


We broke down the mechanics for how the program works in the complete overview. You can check your share counts and upvoting weight in our spreadsheet explained here. If you have any questions, ask away in the comments section or join us in our discord channel.


I just set up a 6.66% steemauto vote at 30 minutes. Can't make it any higher have too many projects to support.

We will be giving away SBI shares daily from @tmholdings for the next month, if it's a success it will continue. Anyone may enter but preference will be given to newbies and those showing an effort.

Love the continuous giveaways and support! Thank you.

Would love to be part of this!!! 😀😉😂

Check out the contests listed on #steembasicincome to see about winning a nomination from one of our existing members.

Will do! Thank you :-)

I'm trying unsuccessfully to have steemauto vote your posts.

  • I'm in Fanbase

    I get the following error ...Incorrect Username! When I put in @steembasicincome

any help would be appreciated!

Interesting. Maybe there is a typo? If you are already signed in, I think you could try the direct link:

hmm I don't know... I copied and pasted? Maybe I used the @ sign and I shouldn't have.

  • Anyway, the direct link worked!
    • Thanks for your help!
      • I look forward to learning more about your program and giving it lots of support. Seems like a very good idea to me!

I'm glad that the direct link worked for you! Welcome to the family.

Just wanted to confirm that I should have 25 shares now. I have been sending over a few steem over the last few days and wanted to make sure they have been added to my account. Also very pleased with the program so far and i intend to increase my share size in the near future

I show 25 shares for you.

This is a fabulous program, all newbies need to spend their first SBD to purchase a share and share a share. 😋

Thanks for your support! The enrollment fee is actually 1 STEEM, but sometimes we will accept SBD also.

Thanks for the correction, I must have been sleepy when I commented. 😋

I would be happy to be part of this movement. I hope to get nominated soon

Check out the contests listed on #steembasicincome to see about winning a nomination from one of our existing members.

Glad you are using @smartmarket and find value in it!

can show wallet where i contributed steem
wonderin how to go forward
just checking in.
peacejust checking in. i see no votes from @steembasicincome. i upvote consistantly @steembasicincome.

Thanks for reaching out in discord, too. As we mentioned, your upvotes are coming from @sbi2. (:

Wanna be part but my steem isnt that high yet

Check out the contests listed on #steembasicincome to see about winning a nomination from one of our existing members.

I just left another msg on your previous post, but I just won a membership thanks to @terminallyill's contest. Hooray!!! He is preparing for round 2, and I'm going to write a twinned post highlighting it. If I use the #steembasicincome in my post, can I bring it here for you to resteem? Or is that being rude or too bold...because I totally don't want to come off that way :) I just want more and more people knowing about this!

I'm also going to set up steemauto today; any recommendations for timing on the upvotes?

Thank you so much for all you're doing! Cheers :)

I enjoy resteeming the posts when members do giveaways, although I try to limit that resteeming to no more than 2 or 3 in a day so as not to flood member's feeds. Are you giving away shares in your twinned post too, or just highlighting @terminalyill's post?

As for timing on upvotes... that's a complicated thing. I haven't done the actual calculations to identify the optimal time for upvoting our own posts.
We currently upvote member posts at 19 minutes, as our analysis shows that to be the optimal average time for maximizing curation rewards. Eventually we will optimize on a per member basis.

I have someone in mind who I'd like to sponsor, and surprise her in the blog I'm currently writing. What exactly does "sponsoring" entail? Thanks so much :)

And thanks for the timing tips; I was thinking around 20-25 min, so I'd say we're in the same ball park!

You send 1 STEEM to @steembasicincome with their name. Each of you receives one share, which entails you to upvotes on all your future posts. Sponsoring just entails bringing them into the program. You have no further responsibility.

Thanks for the information. The person I was going to surprise just won a membership for another contest entry haha. So I'll have to find someone else now :)

There are so many great Steemians to choose from!

Here’s the link

Hope you enjoy itI started a new competition to win 2 shares in #steembasicincome today

REsteemed. Thanks for letting us know!

No, thank you! Without our your service I wouldn’t be able to do these competitions so thanks very much!

I love this service. It's a great idea. I also started a contest to give away 2 shares of steembasicincome. All you have to do is tell me a joke in the comments and resteem the post.

Have been away for a few days but I will do my best to stop by and show support! I plan on giving away more SBI memberships in the near future as well as long as I am able to afford it. Thanks for continuing this project and I hope that it stays alive!

Thanks for your support!

Is there a way to see what our current shares are?

Yes, this post has a link to the tracking sheet and an explanation of the calculations.

I currently have you at 3 shares.

Upvoted by the @earthnation Guild.

I am not on the charts for voting yet 😲

The ranking on this chart is by upvote value, so the upvotes purchased through @smartmarket are actually showing at the top.

copy, I did just learn of the upvoting bonus this past few weeks so maybe I will be up there next report, not on the top but at the bottom :)